Friday, November 27, 2009

The Dubai Burp: Chicago's John Buck Company looks at the Curve in Its Rear View Mirror

To consistently exceed the highest expectations of our customers, clients and shareholders in the business of commercial development, leasing and property asset management services.

To be the premier commercial real estate firm in Abu Dhabi recognized across the Middle East as the most experienced, sophisticated and professional in its class.
John Buck* Company International

While International Finance Wiz Kids, Plutocrats, Business Journalists and Chicken Littles burped up the cranberries early this morning over the tanking of Dubai World ( Real Estate Where There is No Land), John Buck Company Investors rolled over and dreamed of Christmas.

John Buck looks at what the really smart folks call the Curve in his rear-view mirror.

Like most things that impact on his investors and his Company, John Buck saw the differences between Dubai and Abu Dahbi as investment headquarters. It appears that John Buck was right once more this November 27, 2009 as the tanking of Dubai World has rocked Wall Street. John Buck did business with the tough, stolid, stoical and taciturn tradesman, while the prodigal attracted all the cool kids and spent their money quicker than a drunk on payday:

While Dubai has been the glamor emirate of recent years, expanding flashily and purposefully as a regional tourism and financial hub under its ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum on the back of foreign investment, it will be oil-rich Abu Dhabi that will be bailing it out. The state-backed investment company, Dubai World, is having to restructure and has asked creditors for a six-month "standstill" on repayments on $60 billion of its debt.

DUBAI, Nov 27 (Reuters) - Fund managers will rotate dedicated money out of Dubai and into Abu Dhabi, Qatar and Egypt in search of a safe investment haven, as the Gulf emirate delayed billions of dollars of debt obligations this week.

Texas John Buck saw Boeing coming to Chicago and prepared a place for it; John Buck created North Michigan Avenue out of the quaint and dusty shops that once shuffled like a geezer from Chicago Ave. to the River; He sold Sears Tower immediately after 9/11; and saw that Abu Dhabai was the just the right Arab Emirate to go Global. Dubai was sexy - Abu Dhabi the smart sister.

Chicago's John Buck Company makes the Old Testament verse shout out - "Where there is No Vision the People Perish!" John Buck must eat carrots 24/7.

This Black Friday Morning, John Buck Company investors can go to the Fridge and make themselves a Stuffing Sandwich for the balance of year. They'll sleep fine.

* I have known John Buck since 1989. He is a Christian gentleman.

John A. Buck
Chief Executive Officer
John A. Buck founded The John Buck Company in 1981 and serves as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. John played a pivotal role in the joint venture partnership with Mubadala, and as Chief Executive Officer of John Buck International, he now oversees the company’s comprehensive real estate services.
Throughout his career, John has actively contributed to the community by serving on numerous civic boards and committees, including The John Buck Company Foundation, which focuses on at-risk children and families in the Chicago metro-area.

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