Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Read This Book - Dan Senor's "A Start-Up Nation"

My uncles always said, " They got oranges growing in the desert - they'll beat any crumbs that attack them" Bart, Donny, Sy, Bud, Mike, Jack and my Dad were always Pro-Israel. I remember that strategic and tactical assessment of Israel at the time of the Six Day War back in 1967. As they were all WWII and Korea veterans they understood the State of Israel.

Israel has gone from the Up-Start Nation (Holocaust Survivors and children of the Diaspora Building a Home Nation)of 1948 to the Start-Up Nation of 2009. They still grow oranges in the desert.

American Dan Senor has written a book about Israel's remarkable economic leadership in developing more start-up NASDAQ industries than China, India, Europe, Japan and Korea combined. Dan Senor offered this analysis to the Matzoh Marvel.

Our book dives into many interacting factors, but one of the most important is the training and battlefield experience that most Israelis receive in the military. The military is where many Israelis learn to lead and manage people, improvise, become mission-oriented, work in teams, and contribute to their country. They tend to come out of their years of service (three for men, two for women) more mature and directed than their peers in other countries. They learn “the value of five minutes,” as one general told us. They even learn something more uniquely Israeli: to speak up — regardless of ranks and hierarchy — if they think things can be done better.
Click my post title for more.

This will be an important study for all Americans.

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