Monday, August 03, 2009

Treasury Tax-Fraud Geithner says, "Middle Class ! Hyar 'Tis! Hey, Just Forget to Pay . . . Oh, That Was Under George W.Bush . . . Buck Up, Yanks!

Now, there is a puss that just screams out confidence and integrity! Timmy Boy " Fogot Them Taxes" Geithner!

Timmy Tipped his hand. Well the tell was there since January anyway folks, but Secretary Timmy said, "We have to bring these deficits down very dramatically," Geithner told ABC's "This Week." "That's going to require some very hard choices."

Good and Hard, Americans.

Republicans were quick to jump on a lack of a fresh no-new-taxes pledge, with House Minority Whip Eric Cantor's office e-mail blasting Geithner's remarks to the press.

Geithner was adamant that controlling the deficit is vital to keeping the economy cooking along.

"We will not get this economy back on track, recovery will not be strong and sustained, unless we convince the American people that we are going to have the will to bring these deficits down once recovery is firmly established," he said.

Legendary former Federal Reserve boss Alan Greenspan said yesterday the feds had done well controlling the economic crisis. He also said the fear of long-running deficits was legitimate, with this year's and next's deficit running about $1 trillion.

He said health reform and tax hikes could be part of the solution.

Yep, Change you can Feel!

Money, Marbles, or Chalk? Who thinks Timmy will be the FIRST Obamanaut to get launched into oblivion????? Me!!!!!!

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