Wednesday, August 05, 2009

On Wisconsin Women, PT.II- A Krazy Glue Apologist for Male Members of Identity Politics and my Sober Riposte - The Rakes Progress

Yesterday, Dear Reader, I waxed rhapsodic on the cementing of a Wisconsin* Gent's Genitalia to his Hunger Bucket.

Four wronged Women Talibaned the Hell out of the Lecherous Lad.

A concerned Male Apologist complained on my comment page thus, Male Identity Politics and Victimhood? God's Wounds!

Anonymous said...
Such vigilante “justice” must NOT be tolerated and a strong message must be sent to women that they cannot commit spousal violence and get away with it, any more than a man can. This is a question of Male Rights. Men are not the property of women. Merely because he had relations with other women does NOT justify the brutal attack that was committed against him.

What if the situation was reversed? Many women cheat too. Do we men have the right to exact our own revenge on a wife or girlfriend who cheats? Can a man take his cheating wife and handcuff her to a bed, punch her in the face repeatedly, hold her at gunpoint, and then super-glue her vaginal lips together? Would this be portrayed as a joke in the media? Would men who had committed such a crime be released on a mere $200 bail? You can bet that if the situation was reversed, the sexist-pig “women’s organizations” would be up in arms over it. I am absolutely infuriated by this violation of Male Rights. These women must be given serious time to send a message to women everywhere that women are not above the law, and that such violence against men will not be tolerated.
3:33 AM

Considering my love for 18th Century morality, William Hogarth's Plates of the Rake's Progress, and Igor Stravinsky's** modern opera adaptation of Hogarth's moralising sketches, I cocked an eye-brow and rejoined, This a.m.!


As Nick Shadow goaded Young Tom Rakewell into the life dissolute, marrying Baba the Turk, and gaming madly at the green baize tables, while swilling gallons of Rhenish, our thoughts should turn to the Tempter's terms to Tom:

'No eye his future can foretell
No law his past explain
Whom neither Passion may compel
Nor Reason can restrain.'

Alas, Poor Tom, who dallied away from Anne Trulove for the fleshier pleasures, like our Chedderhead Chap with his Lance permanently sheathed, is undone by his own ministrations.

Do, Anonymous Male Member, read up on the Rake's Progress as this cautionary tale makes a moral meal both wholesome and filling!

5:17 AM

Judgment comes -ET IN ARCADIA EGO!

* Do please note the male tropes in this anthem

On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
Plunge right through that line!
* Run the ball clear down the field,
* A touchdown sure this time. (U rah rah)
On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
Fight on for her fame
Fight! Fellows! - fight, fight, fight!
We'll win this game.

On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
Stand up, Badgers, sing!
"Forward" is our driving spirit,
Loyal voices ring.
On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
Raise her glowing flame
Stand, Fellows, let us now
Salute her name!

Stand up, Badgers, indeed.

** Synopsis -click my post title.

1 comment:

  1. What about the endorsement possibilities for these women?

    "Krazy Glue...for it fixes sticky situations."
