Monday, August 17, 2009

Brian Dennehy Narrates Story of How the Catholic Church Got Off The Canvas in the 16th Century - Via Papale

America's best dramatic actor, Brian Dennehy, who recently helped Goodman Director Robert Falls bring Eugene O'Neill's Desire Under the Elms to life, narrates the tale of how the Roman Catholic Church revived its Gospel Mission after the Sack of Rome by mutinous soldiers of Charles V in 1527.

Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Church Door of Wittenberg in ten years earlier and the Protestant Reformation swept Northern Europe; Islam under Suleiman the Magnificent conquered the Balkans and threatened the Holy Roman Empire of Charles V. The corrupt Papacy was weakened by its self-interests and foolish alliances. England was schismatic. The Catholic Church was on its back and seemed never to rise again.

However, a succession of six Popes and simple journey that welded Piety and Aesthetics in an effort to rebuild not only Rome after the Sack by mutinous soldiers of Charles V, but the Catholic Faith world wide got the Church off the canvass after the many knock-out blows absorbed in the early 16th Century.

American Theatre giant Brian Dennehy lends his voice in the narration for the film about this singular road back by the Catholic Church. At at time when my Catholic Faith is assaulted and challenged by the Star Chamber Relativism due to the hegemony of political and cultural Progressivism in America, while the Catholic Church in America recovers from decades of pedophile scandals, this documentary may spark a renewed vitality in the American Catholic Faithful - we are on the canvass.

Via Papale - The Lost Road of the Popes is the film. Here is an excerpt from Catholic On-line:

Veteran actor Brian Dennehy will be recording the voice over for "Via Papale: The Lost Road of the Popes." The documentary film, slated for a 2009 release, is the first high definition film ever shot in Rome, Italy.

Mr. Dennehy, who has done previous voice over work, was drawn to this particular project because of its production value which he called "pretty extraordinary." The high definition technology adds so much to the viewing experience that he believes it could even visually surpass visiting the papal architecture in person. "It allows the possibility of seeing these works of art in a way they aren't usually seen." He was intrigued by the opportunity of high definition technology to show these works in a new light before they one day crumble or disappear. In his words, "Why not now?"
"Via Papale: The Lost Road of the Popes" is the untold story of the "lost" road on which 16th century Rome and its Church made the most profound urban and religious comeback in history. The film follows six powerful popes and their dynasties as they take on the task of first rebuilding, then glorifying, the new Rome. "Via Papale" unfolds the miracle of this remarkable renaissance, showing how Rome and its papal rulers not only survived, but were inspired by a holy road. Long since forgotten, the Via Papale was the papal processional route along which newly elected popes would process. It is along this road that were built the magnificent monuments, churches, art and architecture that define the city's skyline.

Click my post title for the link to this film

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Looks interesting. Where & when can we see it?
