Saturday, June 20, 2009

Protect Guam from North Korean Missiles

( North Guam including Anderson AFB)

President Obama wants to talk. That is what he does and how he became our President.

However, President Obama acted on his words trying to nuance the world. President Obama does not want anti-missile defence systems in Europe or even the United States in order to make his words more compelling to Thugs. The world has some real nasty villains afoot.

These villains are not unlike the drive-by thugs in America's cities who shoot with impunity and murder anyone.

President Obama comes from the Progressive Mind-set that embraces the notion that Guns Kill People. Guns kill people in the very same way that pencils flunk examinations.

Chicago has the strictest Gun Laws in America, but also the highest number of Public School Kids murdered by Thugs with Guns. Those Gun Laws keep academics, suburban dwelling columnists, lawsuit lawyers and community activists off a patch of Mayor Daley's back, but have contributed in making Chicago a Thug Comfort Zone.
Black and Hispanic kids die from Thugs throwing shots at them with impunity bordering on immunity.

The world has thugs. North Korea is a Thug Nation. You can not talk to thugs. Thugs can only be interdicted - defended against by Law Enforcement Officers armed with guns and a government with something amounting to a spine.

President Obama told the world that he would rid it of Nuclear Weapons back in April and the North Koreans called President Obama's soaring Rhetoric:

PRAGUE – Just hours after North Korea launched a long-range rocket, President Barack Obama called for "a world without nuclear weapons" and said the United States has a “moral responsibility ” to lead the way, as the only nation ever to use them.

Obama’s speech was long planned as the centerpiece of his first presidential trip overseas, but it gained new urgency after North Korea sent a multi-part rocket soaring over the Sea of Japan early Sunday morning.

North Korea insisted the launch was meant to put a satellite into space but the U.S. and other nations believe Pyongyang is trying to develop the capability to launch a nuclear warhead.

The president, who was woken up just after 4:30 a.m. local time by news of the launch, spoke to the authoritarian state in remarks hastily added to his text.

“Now is the time for a strong international response, and North Korea must know that the path to security and respect will never come through threats and illegal weapons,” Obama said to thousands thronged into the cobblestone square outside the elegant Prague Castle, in what was the largest crowd of his five-country, eight-day swing.

All nations must come together to build a stronger, global regime. And that's why we must stand shoulder to shoulder to pressure the North Koreans to change course.”

World Nuke Control? Where only the Thugs have guns - like here in Chicago? Come on!

Guam is America's Asian Strategic Outpost and it is vulnerable to a North Korean missile threat. Guam, as it was before World War II, is always an American afterthought . . .until Thugs attack it. Guam is America, Mr. President. Guam voted for you.

Here are the thoughts of a gent in Virginia who sees the real threat from North Korea is a strike at Guam.

I think that the North Koreans could make a much more dangerous point by launching a long range missile and having it hit a target in the ocean that is exactly 3,404 kilometers away.

3,404 km being the exact distance between Pyongyang and Guam. Guam being the strategic hub of US military operations in the Pacific. Guam is home to roughly a third of our Air Force's aircraft at any given time and a large proportion of our naval assets. Nuking Guam would severely cripple us in the Pacific. Such an attack would be the modern equivalent of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. In pure military terms, hitting Guam now would hurt us more than a hit on Hawaii would.

North Korea is still a ways from being able to miniaturize a nuclear warhead and place it on top of a long range missile. And there is no way that one of their aircraft could get close enough to Guam's airspace to bomb it. But just putting a missile down at exactly that distance would make the point that they are approaching the ability to strategically attack the US in something beyond an asymmetrical manner. Posted by Jack Landers at Friday, June 19, 2009
( emphasis my own)

Mr. President this is no time for Nuance.

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