Friday, May 29, 2009

Guam Honors Two More Heroes Killed Defending America and North Korea Fires Another Missile

In the black and white photos above - Two Woman display an American Flag kept safe from the Japanese from 1941 until July 21, 1944 and another shows a memorial by Chamorros of Guam for their families and neighbors murdered by the Japanese during the Occupation of Guam. The People of Guam remain the most loyal Americans.

Ceremony Held In Honor Of Two Fallen Guam Soldiers
Written by Nick Delgado, Pacific News Center - Guam, Saipan, CNMI, Asia-Pacific

Friday, 29 May 2009 17:04

Guam - The Guam national guard held a formal banner unfurling ceremony this morning at the Guam international airport to honor two of its fallen soldiers.

Sergeant Brian Leon Guerrero and sergeant Samson Mora were killed while deployed to Afghanistan in support of operation enduring freedom in July of last year. The banners were added to the recently displaced-but restored memorial in the airport's east ticket lobby.

Earlier this year, the banners were removed and replaced with painted sea turtles. The displacement of the banners raised concerns from many of Guam's veterans. In response, the airport put the memorial back up.

Meanwhile, the airport continues to work with the national guard in creating a permanent brass memorial plaque in honor of the fallen.

The Obama Administration sees no 'imminent threat' to the American People. Guam is America's foreward base in Harm's Way. Guam has lost more of its sons and daughters defending America per capita than any Territory or State. Guam is being targeted by North Korea.

North Korea in complete mad-dog unwillingness to 'listen' fired another missile.

North Korea has fired another short-range missile off its east coast, the sixth such launch since it tested a nuclear weapon on Monday, South Korea's Yonhap news agency has reported.

Friday's reported test-fire followed a statement from North Korea's foreign ministry pledging to respond if the UN Security Council agreed any fresh sanctions over the tests.

"If the UN Security Council provokes us, our additional self-defence measures will be inevitable," the foreign ministry said in a statement.

"Any hostile acts by the UN Security Council will be tantamount to the demolition of the armistice," it said in a reference to the truce that ended the Korean War in 1953.

The North has previously test-fired short-range missiles into the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan, often during periods of tension in the region.

North Korea conducted its second nuclear test on Monday and followed it up with a series of short-range missile launches, all in violation of a UN resolution.

No reinforcements

But despite the growing tensions, the US defence secretary has said that Washington is not planning to add to the 28,000 US troops already stationed on the Korean peninsula. . . .

Robert Gates said that the situation had not yet reached crisis levels and there had been no unusual moves by the North Korean military since its carried out the nuclear test.

"I don't think there is a need for us

Pakistan is going Taliban. Iran is doing as it pleases. North Korea is dominating the world stage and threatening Peace on the Planet. I am getting reports that warn of this threat from Al Jazeera, while MSNBC worries about Gay Marriage, CNN milks Roland Burris, and the news papers cover Susan Boyle.

President Obama is making Jimmy Carter look like Chesty Puller.

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