Friday, May 22, 2009

BGA - Tell Andy Shaw What Floor You're On!

Sneed hears former Channel 7 political reporter Andy Shaw is this/close to becoming the new head of the Better Government Association, an independent government watchdog group.

This is now a twice told tale -

True story, this one! Remember Terry Teele, Mayor Daley's go-to-guy on all things Planning and Development? Get this.

When Terry Teele was forced to resign from his position in Daley's Office, I happened to be sitting in the Planning and Development waiting room - a breathless Andy Shaw Charged In - 'The Teele resignation - I'M here!'

The lovely middle aged black woman informed this Profound Newshound - 'Fifth Floor, Sir. Mr. Teele works on the Fifth Floor. We are on the 10th Floor?'

So the Better Government Association is giving Andy Shaw a job! That's Great!

Now Here's a D'Andy Shaw Yarn ripped from the pages of Chicago Police Homicide sheaves of wholesome potboilers!

I recall an account by a famous Chicago Homicide Detective who encountered the Truth Bloodhound Shaw at a crime scene in Chatham.

It seems that a gang-banger had run afoul of some like-inclined chaps who decided to 'Ride the 9 Down on the . . .' mmmm . . . Oedipal Fellow!

The 'victim' was 'broken up' so to speak due to the proximity and impact of the 9mm calling cards tossed his way. The victim was in about eight pieces truth to tell.

Ignoring police protocol and warnings Andy persisted in jamming the microphone under the nose of the lead detective -'I Demand to Know What Happened! The People Demand it, Detective!'

To which the world weary investigator responded to the not-to-be-ignored Andy Shaw,
'We suspect foul play, Andy.'

Yes, Yes! Andy Shaw will have the Truth!

Thus one might say - Andy Shaw meets Doyle Brunson and Phil Helmuth at the World Series of Poker -'Playing Cards, Fellows?'

Again from Sneed
-• • Background: Shaw, who was once an education reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times, retired earlier this year after 35 years in Chicago television and print. Congrats Andy!

Scoop 'em!

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