Saturday, April 11, 2009

Somali Pirates - Be Barry, Barry Quiet! At Wast!

President Obama is quickly revealing the nature of his character in his First 100 Days - dependant on a Teleprompter, pampered by the Media who worked very hard for his election, distracted by a question from a reporter concerning an act of piracy against America -“Guys, we’re talking about housing right now!"

President Obama is not Thomas Jefferson. He is not Teddy Roosevelt. Is he Calvin 'Silent Cal' Coolidge - no, I think not. President Obama bowed to King Abdullah; he might be L'il Bow Wow. President Obama is Vewy, Vewy Quiet ( make that Barry, Barry Quiet!) on the Somali Pirates and deferred action on North Korean bullies to the United Nations.

President Obama may be Elmer Fudd.

President Obama is no Teddy Roosevelt. The young President Roosevelt, a real Rock Star Cowboy, Police Chief, Medal of Honor hero and Vice President, was outraged that a Greek American businessman had been kidnapped by a Barbary Pirate.

Liz Sidoti presents President Obama's loud silence in Real Clear Politics:

The new commander in chief has been kept abreast of negotiations over the captain's release, but advisers say Obama has delegated the heavy lifting to high-level administration officials and his military commanders.

The president himself has yet to speak publicly about the incident near the Horn of Africa. He brushed off a reporter's question Thursday.

Instead he has let his top surrogates do the talking, although their comments have been brief, perhaps mindful that their words could influence the sensitive negotiations with the hostage-taking pirates.

Click my post title for Liz Sidoti's disturbingly quiet account of President Obama's silence on the capture of the first American Flag Vessel seized by pirates since 1804.

In 1904, Barbary pirate Rasuli kidnapped a Greek American business man in Morroco. Here is how President Teddy Rooselvelt responded.

Ion Perdicaris. He was a rich businessman who somehow managed to get himself kidnapped by a Berber bandit, Rasuli, in Tangier. Rasuli demanded a ransom for Perdicaris’s life. All of this was taking place just prior to the 1904 political party Presidential nomination conventions. Roosevelt was a candidate for the Republican Party nomination to run for President ‘in my own right’. You will recall that he had become President on the death of President McKinley. So this would be the first time that he would be a candidate for that office.

When he heard about the kidnapping the President sent the U.S. fleet to Tangier with instructions concerning the Perdicaris kidnapping and ransom demands. His instructions were in these words: ‘Perdicaris alive, or Rasuli dead!’

Those words were related to the Republican convention delegates. They went wild with enthusiasm for their bold President and candidate! Of course, Roosevelt was nominated for another term of office with overwhelming support from his party convention. On top of that Perdicaris was soon released and returned to the U.S. The daring President had again proven his skills and his bravery. Ironically, when Perdicaris arrived back in the U.S. he was exposed as not even being an American citizen! It didn’t matter by that time, the country was wild for Teddy Roosevelt and he easily won a full four-year term of office.

President Theodore Roosevelt brought excitement, enthusiasm, adventure, daring, swagger and great leadership to his country. Unfortunately, he also brought a chauvinistic, narrow-minded view of his nation's and his own personal interests.

President Teddy brought Something - Honor! Pwesident Obama?

"Perdicaris alive or Rasuli dead!" was the slogan when Theodore Roosevelt went after the Barbary bandit and won Perdicaris's freedom and prestige for our Nation.

Eric 'A Nation of Cowards' Holder is talking.

MSNBC and the Media propaganda Ministry is Talking.

The whole world is talking.

President Obama is distractedly quiet. Barry, Barry Quiet.

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