Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sheriff Tom Dart Ahead of Curve on Craigslist Child Prostitution and Exploitation

Photo of Tom Dart by Spencer Green

Following Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart's lead folks in New York and New Jersey are going after pimps and pornographers in Craigslist - the hip scratch sheet for Nuanced Perverts and Losers.

Police told CBS 2 HD on Friday that the couple used Craigslist to find clients for their bordello in the 'burbs.

Richard Salvatore and Rachel Grome are husband and wife -- now accused as pimp and prostitute.

They are a team that allegedly used the popular Web site to market services that involved illegal sex.

Cops said they hosted "Johns" at their townhouse in a quiet Rye Brook neighborhood.

"I feel like Craigslist has really brought 42nd Street and Times Square right into people's home," Rye Brook Police Chief Gregory Austin told CBS 2 HD.

Beyond the idiots at San Francisco Citizen and Illinois Political Rivals and Do-Nothings, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart has landed a solid punch to Kiddie Pornographers and Pimps at Craigslist. The San Francisco prostitution industry is second only to Gay Lesbian Advocacy terrorism in getting out its message that 'Who's To Say What is Moral?'

Comes now career politician Tom Dart, who is using his elected position as Sheriff of Cook County to file a ridiculous lawsuit against craigslist over prostitution advertising. Did Chicago prostitutes use other kinds of media before the creation of craigslist? Why yes. And as a matter of fact, the Chicago Reader newspaper (a free weekly like the Bay Guardian and SF Weekly) is making money right now today with erotic services ads (as are the aforementioned Bay Guardian and SF Weekly, of course). Let’s take a look at a few of today’s ads sitting in newsboxes right outside the Sheriff’s office: Is Thomas Dart still promoting his craigslist boycott? Good luck with that and all. I mean, that stands a better chance of working than this lawsuit. I mean really, is Craig’s list “a source” of prostitution?

But why would this elected sheriff/lawyer want to go out of town to pick on cragslist? Perhaps he wins even if/when his lawsuit fails? Anyway, his press conference is starting now, noon Central Standard Time. Let’s give him a chance to make his case and pretend it has a ghost of a chance of succeeding.

Marl Konkol, one of the good guys at Chicago Sun Times wrote accurately on Tom Dart's assault on the Prostitution and Porn Propaganda Press at Craigslist:

"I am fed up. I am tired and this is going to stop," Dart said.

Dart filed a federal lawsuit Thursday asking a judge to force San Francisco-based Craigslist to eliminate the "erotic services" section of its Web site, where he said most prostitution ads are posted. The lawsuit also asks that Craigslist reimburse Cook County for the salaries of officers who investigate prostitution and human trafficking through the Web site -- a bill of more than $100,000.

"We're asking them to do what frankly they should have been doing all along -- stop facilitating prostitution. Stop being the largest source of prostitution in America," Dart said.

Since January 2007, sheriff's police have arrested 200 people on prostitution charges, juvenile pimping and human trafficking directly connected to Craigslist advertisements. Arrests have ranged from suburban soccer moms to heroin addicts to juveniles, some as young as 14.

A Craigslist spokeswoman said she has not seen Dart's complaint, but the company does cooperate with law enforcement. "Misuse of Craigslist to facilitate criminal activity is unacceptable, and we continue to work diligently to prevent it. Misuse of the site is exceptionally rare compared to how much the site is used for legal purposes," Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster said in a written statement.

Craigslist had reached an agreement in November with attorneys general in Connecticut, Illinois and other states that called for the company to crack down on prostitution ads.

Buckmaster said at the time that it would allow legitimate escort services to continue advertising, while discouraging illegal activity by requiring anyone posting "erotic services" ads to provide a working phone number and pay a fee with a valid credit card.

Dart said that didn't change a thing.

A 19-year-old woman recently arrested during a Craigslist prostitution sting told reporters she wound up in a hotel room soliciting sex from an undercover officer after trying to break into modeling in response to an Internet ad. The woman, whose pimp named her "Honey," was being sold for sex on Craigslist for $300 an hour. When the undercover officer met her at a south suburban hotel, he could tell she was a victim, Lt. Michael Anton said. "She was very nervous. You could tell she hadn't done that before," he said.

"Honey," who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that was her first time and she felt lucky police arrested her.

Kiddie Porn, Child Prostitution, and White Slavery are only three of the glaring crimes against humanity related to 'the victimless crime of Prostitution. The 'Who's To Say?' Progressive Doctrine that leeches to every aspect of popular culture leavens the bread that Craigslist tosses on the scum of its pond.

Tom Dart has taken the lead and other communities have followed.

Tom Dart was a huge help to President Barack Obama when they were in the Illinois Senate together. President Obama was placed on the Magic Carpet by many of Craigslist defenders - those 'Who's To Say' Boiled Beet Progressives.

Tom Dart has taken the slow gradus up the political summit. President Obama talks to Jay Leno. Tom Dart speaks to Americans.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:19 AM

    If Dart's position is to stop Craigslist for allowing such listings he is a man of such low intelligence as to question the very idea that he should even be running for the job.

    Here. Let me put it in simple fictional terms. Assume for the purposes of this conversation that it is illegal to buy puppies, but not illegal to have puppy stores where said puppies can be placed on display for public viewing.

    If someone wants to see a puppy they'd go to a legal puppy store. If law enforcement were looking for people 'suspected' of buying puppies illegally through legal puppy stores they need only stake out puppy stores and watch the people who go in and out. Collect their info and arrest anyone who actually buys a puppy. People who only look and don't buy walk away free having satisfied their curiosities. However, they've been identified, so if in the future they buy a puppy, they can be quickly identified and arrested. Now, if you close all the legal puppy stores, people who are curious and those who already want to buy, will turn to illegal places, puppy mills. Places not in the public domain, but instead rather well hidden. Now law enforcement would have a hard time catching the guilty parties.

    Get it?

    If this guy, as a sheriff, wants to shut down the easiest place to catch criminals, you, as a voter or resident of Cook County, have to wonder why he thinks he's qualified to be sheriff.
