Thursday, March 26, 2009

Phil Kadner Hates South Side Irish People? That's His Opinion.

This morning a goofball with a microphone from some moss-back Illinois radio station wanted reaction to the end of the south side parade.

He got 'Good idea, but too bad for the kids in the neighborhood.' and 'I wanted my children to bring their children to the Parade.'

FOX-TV was parked at Karim's Dunkin' Donuts at 6AM when I went in for coffee 'Extra Large Cream- Good Mornin'Boss!' That is morning ritual prayer that meets me from the lovely very Non-Irish ladies in brownish Orange DD t-shirts! 'No more coffee for Willie's Mass?' We'll see, Kids.

The loss of the parade is nothing compared to the unprovoked unreasonable nonsense and contempt that follows in its wake from some folks for the great people who live in this Irish-heavy trinity of neighborhoods.

I was kicked in the nuts by Phil Kadner's column. I don't get it. Of course 80 % of the poor souls who read my opinion here and on Chicago Daily Observer no doubt get the same.

Mr. Kadner goes beyond the boozing and infrastructure and suggests that the Parade itself was not developed as an ethnic family celebration but a racist political design.

According to neighborhood legend, the South Side Irish Parade was launched by two families that fondly recalled the original St. Patrick's Day Parade on 79th Street.

It seems to me it really grew in popularity about the time the Daley clan was out of power, Harold Washington was mayor, and the Irish of the 19th Ward decided to secede from Chicago.

Glad to have your opinion shared with one and all.

Legend Phil? Jesus! So, Phil works out new one. Irish bigots made the Parade.

However, that little nugget of thought happens to be your own pure, unadulterated and bigoted bullshit!

Common Progressive Doctrine holds that ethnic Catholics* must always be bigots and racists. Mr. Kadner took this opportunity to reinforce that nonsense and as Phil Kadner still works at STNG his Progressive credentials must be solid gold. Mr. Kadner, the above sentiments are genuine and I take them to heart.

Mr. Kadner, The Irish are never that united. Look at how long it took us to toss the Brits and that was a half-assed job at best.

However, thanks for letting all of us know how you really feel. Your Contempt, Mr. Kadner, is received and understood, but certainly not deserved.

* BTW - A prominent Jewish philanthropist and civic leader told me 'without Catholics, and particularly Irish Catholics, there would be no Charity work in Chicago. Look at all the civic and charitable contributor lists. In Fact my west Side Jewish Papa told me, 'This is a Catholic City. Without them, Chicago would be a smoking hole in the ground.'

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