Monday, March 30, 2009

Great Laura Washington Political Analysis - Chute and Ladders!

Laura Washington, along with Tim Novak, Mark Konkol, Mike Mulligan, and Kate Grossman, keeps me reading the Sun Times.

Laura Washington is one of the two people who ever make sense as guests on WTTW's ersatz Politics Spins on Chicago Tonight or the fatuous Joel Weisman's Week in Review. Weisman always seems 'coached and prepped' in PC Doctrine while he has been slapped with make-up before the show.

Paul Green and Laura Washington are almost always on the money.

Today, in the Chicago Sun Times Laura Washington uses the Chutes and Ladders - why not Snakes and Ladders? - trope to blueprint the upcoming political season.

This is brilliant! Click my post title for the whole story - here's my favorite nugget about Jan Schakowsky's perpetual 'PUT ME IN FRONT!' nonsense. Jan has all the genuine affection for working people as Leona Helmsley - but none of Leona's people skills.

Things will be even more hopeless if U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky decides to take a shot at the seat. Schakowsky is a powerhouse fund-raiser with a bullet-proof base among female, progressive and Jewish voters.

Ald. Joe Moore (49th) is said to be salivating over a Schakowsky bid, as that would give him a shot at her 9th Congressional District seat. The national thrill of his foie gras crusade is long gone, and he wants it back. Still, since the Rogers Park pol barely won reelection in 2007, he may not be in the best shape to muscle another rung up the ladder.

Nice work, Ms. Washington!

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