Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sharpton Steals Chimp Image from Irish Americans - Outrageous!

Race-baiting shakedown Artiste Rev. Al 'Crown Heights' Sharpton and Bluesman 'Blind Guv' Paterson are trying to gin-up Victimhood for Black Americans.

However, Al and Blind Guv need to steal America's coveted use of Chimpanzees to portray Irish Catholic Americans. Fair is Fair! No Justice No Peace! No Piece No Pie!

A cartoon satire about the goof whose Chimp mauled her friend appeared in the New York Post. Rev. Al took off on the Victimhood Jet! He said Chimps are meant to portray Black Americans.

Not so. The Simian Identity is long the domain of American disdain for Irish Catholic Americans. From Nast to Arby's* Irish Catholic Americans are associated with Apes.

However, Aland Blind Guv and the entire Black-sploitation Industry is attempting a theft of this Catholic Celtic Iconography.
Sybil Mimy Johnson, who teaches African studies courses at Hofstra University, said the cartoon recalls a history of unflattering comparisons of African-Americans to primates.

"If you go back to Jim Crow and you go back to the whole depiction of cartoons then, it was demeaning for African-Americans, calling them animals," she said. "This is extremely insensitive and it reaches back to those old wounds."

"How could The Post let this cartoon pass as satire?" said Barbara Ciara, president of the National Association of Black Journalists. "To compare the nation's first African-American commander-in-chief to a dead chimpanzee is nothing short of racist drivel."

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs declined to comment on the cartoon Wednesday. "I have not seen the cartoon," he told reporters aboard Air Force One as Obama returned to Washington from Arizona, where he announced his plan to deal with the foreclosure crisis. "But I don't think it's altogether newsworthy reading the New York Post."

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's spokesman said the senator "found the Post cartoon offensive and purposefully hurtful. She believes this type of cartoon serves no productive role in the public discourse."

Spokespeople for Sen. Charles Schumer, Assemb. Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan) and State Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith (D- St. Albans) declined to comment on the cartoon.

Hazel Dukes, president of the New York NAACP, called the cartoon "outrageous."
Outrageous Indeed!

Chimps are historically the image of Irish Catholic Americans. This is OUR Victimhood. Outrageous!

Oh, that's right! In post racial America, history** is to be forgotten. Victimhood is Copyrighted.



  1. Any one who would like to be associated with an animal who just engaged a truly beastial act are sick. Al Sharpton needs to smell the coffee and wake up to the post racial dispensation ushered in by President Obama. Perhaps Al is looking over a four leaf clover and dreaming of how things used to be.

  2. Steevesna!

    Them Clovers is Ours Too, Mind You!

    Thanks, Pal!
