Wednesday, February 11, 2009

SEIU's Progress Illinois Has Got NUTHIN on U. of C. Strikers - Too Busy Preening about Republic Windows and Squealing to the Feds?

Too bad this guy's union does not respect him,. . . or anyone else. Teamster Local 743 is doing all the heavy-lifting here. Doesn't SEIU have employees affected by the lay-offs at UCMC?

Have SEIU rank & file gotten dumped by University of Chicago Medical Center? NBC Website is all over it. Progress Illinois - ZERO!''

SEIU is a PAC. It uses union dues to buy politica hacks - SEIU bought Blago and recenty purchased Sara Feigenholz for 5th Congressional District. Thus,
SEIU was an early supporter of Blagojevich and his biggest campaign contributor. But Balanoff said he was not involved in any wrongdoing and does not fear the investigation into alleged corruption in state government.

“I am not a target. I am not a subject. I’m not worried one bit,” he said.
Inspiring words from a Leader, those.

However, if SEIU rank and file workers laid off by UCMC with Local 743 want to see some coverage they need to go - not to their paid for site, but NBC

Here's the Post Listing for Progress Illinois during this strike's first day!- SEIU's Marxist Mickey Mouse Club.

IL-5: Feigenholtz Says Daley Should Release Full Wishlist, Quigley Touts Republic Windows Stand
The Most Important Chart You'll Read All Day
Around The Horn
Durbin Recommends Callahan For U.S. Agriculture Post
The Stimulus Czar
IL-5: SEIU Endorses Feigenholtz, Quigley Wants More Transit, Nurses Support Geoghegan
The Fight For School Construction Funds
Facebook Petition Takes Aim At Daley's "Great Chicago Sell-Off"
The Early Bird: February 10, 2009
On Fox Chicago, Roskam Repeats Debunked Anti-Stimulus Argument

They have an answer to everything - racism, sexism, gay & lesbianism, new historicism, classism.

Too bad they never seem to have an answer to exactly what in the hell their membership gets for their dues.

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