Wednesday, February 04, 2009

John Fritchey Earns Support and SEIU Set To Buy Feigenholz

John Fritchey tells Mike Madigan, 'SEIU will give Sara about this much money - Yeah, about Mike Quigley's height. It's not much, but it's something.'

SEIU is a PAC disguised as a union. SEIU is largest membership of unskilled and low skilled workers organized to to provide dues used to buy political hacks.

I believe that SEIU is a danger to the American Standard of Living. SEIU depends upon tax-levies to raise the salaries of its tax-salaried employees. Those taxes are paid by pipe-fitters, fire fighters, police officers, nurses ( who manage to avoid SEIU), teachers, engineers, carpenters, mill-wrights, plumbers and electricians. Trades workers stand in danger of losing their autonomy and apprenticeship programs, if they play ball with SEIU.

N.B. Read Chicago Daily Oberserver's many columns about this -,2715

John Fritchey wins endorsements. Sara Feigenholz is beholden to SEIU - the class warriors opposed to the American Middle Class.

Organized labor is splitting its vote in the race to succeed Rahm Emanuel in Congress.

AFSCME, the big government workers' union, quietly endorsed state Rep. John Fritchey, D-Chicago, over the weekend, according to Henry Bayer, who heads the union's Chicago regional unit.
But another labor group which also represents such workers, SEIU, is leaning heavily toward Ms. Feigenholtz, with an announcement scheduled as soon as later this week, according to sources who should know.

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