Sunday, February 15, 2009

'It's Curtains, Senator! Awwwww, Look at Him. . .' - Il. Rep. Jim Durkin'd Snuff Him

Click my post Title for Rep. Jim Durkin's talk about Burris's fibs - it seems.

Jim Durkin was the ONLY elected official during Our Impeachment ( HiJacking) who put the hot coals to Senator Tombstone Burris. Now, as in all things Hopeful and Change-Er -Ific we find that Roland Burris might ahave tweaked the the truth just a ton.
Seems like Burris is curtains - Don't bet on it Roland is too cute to scoot! Reid, Pelosi, Durbin and Todd are enchanted by the cute and fuzzy Junior Senator from Illinois.

But . . . weeks ago . . . Illinois Representative Jim Durkin had Roland Burris nailed to the carpet:

Durkin: At any time were you directly or indirectly aware of a quid pro quo with the governor for the appointment of this vacant Senate seat?

Burris: No sir.

Durkin: Ok. If you were aware of a quid pro quo, what would you have done?

(Burris's lawyer calls it a hypothetical question and inappropriate. Durkin calls it "highly relevant" and what his response would have been. Rep. John Fritchey (D-Chicago) says his response to something that did not occur was "irrelevant" and "speculative." Durkin says its "germane" to the hearing and a "reasonable request" of what he would have done. Burris' lawyer says Burris will respond because he wants to be "clear and open.")

Burris: Rep. Durkin, knowing my ethics, I would not participate in anybody's quid pro quo. I've been in government for 20 years and never participated in anybody's quid pro quo.

Durkin: I guess the point is, would you have gone to the federal authorities if you were aware of that?

Burris: I have no response to that.

Burris will continue as Senator. However, if Jim Durkin keeps pouring it on . . . hold the phone! Burris* it seems does that anyway.

Paging Roland Burris: Constituents Finding New Senator Hard To Reachview more from: Politics / LiberalHuffington Post (last week)llinois residents anxious to share their thoughts with newly-appointed Sen. Roland Burris are finding it's not an easy task. Wayne Lovern, of Chatham, said he called Burris' office in Washington five times on

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