Monday, January 12, 2009

Chicago Tribune and Chicagoist Cover Vandalism of Chicago Jewish Congregations

HUGE HAT TIP to the Crews Chicago Tribune and at Chicagoist!"Free, free Palestine," thousands of marchers chanted. "Hey [Israeli Prime Minister Ehud] Olmert you can't hide, we charge you with genocide."

That was Friday night.

This was Sunday Morning:

Late Sunday morning, Talmud classes were under way at Lubavitch Mesivta of Chicago, a rabbinical school and synagogue at 2756 W. Morse Ave. in Chicago. Spray-painted on the brick wall facing California Avenue was the same phrase, "Death to Israel."

"We continue on," Rabbi Shalom Halberstam said. "We do our thing. Studying. Learning. We didn't shut school down. We keep the faith."

Over at the Young Israel Congregation of West Rogers Park, 2706 W. Touhy Ave., head of security Stuart Singal was putting tarp over two smashed windows Sunday morning.

Rabbi Elisha Prero said synagogue officials believe the "Jewish response" to the defacement of their building was to make something positive of it. They would use the bricks thrown into the window in the cornerstone of the synagogue's library.

"We want to turn this disgusting act into a redemptive one," Prero said.,0,3703577.story

Gaza is in the Mideast - Palestine/Israel but it sure as hell is not here in Chicago, Skokie, or Lincolnwood.

Catch the vandals. Charge them. Save all the 'Profiling' nonsense on the part of the Peoples Law Office and Lefty Lawyer League. This is an American Criminal Act. Show it the American Justice System.

God Bless the Congregations and the great Jewish People who had to endure this affront! Got a beef with that?

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