Monday, November 24, 2008

Quigley for Congress! Toes and Ankles Above All Else

This is the Monday of the Inflated Self! Desiree Rogers who has cashed in on her 'networking' abilities as the ex-Mrs. John Rogers at Illinois Lottey, Peoples Gas ( where she managed to offend skilled professional tradesmen and weasel her way out of a jackpot with ICC), high -profile philanthropic boards where she does not need to write a check, and mnost recently at Allstate Insurance, is going to Washington D.C. where she will dazzle as Obama White House Social Secretary. Adios!
This will be a howl!!!! Tic-Toc, Desiree!

Most telling the Uriah Heep of Illinois politics - Mike Quigley is leaping over the County Board Presidency and going for Rahmm-alama Dang Dong's Congressional Seat!

If Quigley officially enters the race, he could become the anti-Daley administration candidate if Daley does weigh in formally or informally on behalf of a candidate such as O'Connor. In the past, Quigley has clashed with the mayor over issues such as tax-increment financing.

Fifteen or more aldermen, state legislators and other elected and unelected individuals, including hotelier J.B. Pritzker and attorney Matt Devine, have mentioned their names in various stages of considering a run for the seat.

The Terror of Tiny Town! Gin up your news stooges Mickey! Make a show of it, Boyo!


Anonymous said...,2073/

A.P. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Mike Quigley running for congress is a horrible joke to play on the voters of the 5th district.

As evidenced by his lack of actual accomplishments, Quigley has done nothing with his commissioner’s seat except get his name in the media.

To paraphrase Quigley’s new campaign tagline: “Others talk change. Quigley delivers [press releases and white papers].”

He is an ineffectual self-promoter whose proposals go nowhere. This has less to do with their merit and more to do with of ego and antagonistic-cum-double-dealing-operating-style.

As former Sheriff Michael Sheahan once said, “the only thing Quigley is good at running is his mouth.”

The last thing Chicago or Illinois needs is to send another egomaniac backbencher to Congress.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous" is totally right. Being an anti-establishment candidate is fine, but that candidate needs to have the goods to back it up. Choosing an ineffective County Commissioner - like Quigley - to succeed Rahm Emanuel is not the answer. There are several more qualified candidates for 5th district residents to choose from, including Fritchey and my state rep Sara Fiegenholtz. Either one would be much more effective in Congress.