Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Who Hired Bill Ayers -Lynn Sweet Pretends to Care.

Who sent you? Who's your guy?

Obama went to see Bill Ayers, because Bill Ayers was Hyde Park-made. He became somebody, because his Daddy was somebody - the Head of ComEd who makes the lights go on and stay on, unless there's a screw-up or consumers get snotty about rates.

Billy Ayers is a rich punk who was allowed by Mater & Pater to play with explosives and Communism. Billy blew up property and tried to blow up Americans. He went all 'Underground Man' when things got thick and had Daddo's Ambulance Chasers bail him out. Then Pater Ayers eased Billy and his odious Old Lady ( Bernardine Dohrn - far more dangerous than Billy and a convicted felon to boot) into the tweedy world of academics where flakes and pipe-smokers play at being armchair Trotskies. Academics depend upon Foundations for the Long Green Difference. Billy got the Boards. Then along came Barack Obama, an ambitious kid who wanted to be somebody. Now, whoever was involved in easing Billy into academics - who hired the Boy for the swell job of Distinguished Professor of Education at UICC - knows who was involved in getting Billy situated. That person or persons will also know how and who helped Obama get close to Billy Ayers.

Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Sun Times pretends to be 'on the story.'

So, did he know who Ayers was when he went to his home in 1995?

"My understanding is that when he went there, he did not," Axelrod said.

Reporters noticed that clause -- "my understanding is" -- and pressed further. Did Axelrod ask Obama if he knew Ayers' history when he first met with him?

"Yes," Axelrod said.

And he did not know?

"Yes," Axelrod said. "That's what I've said -- I answered the question when I was asked the other day. But no one's suggesting that he never knew. I mean that's not -- we weren't offering that. I wasn't offering it -- I was asked a question that you just asked me and just answered it. I wasn't making an argument about it."

I'm not arguing either. I'm just curious.

Now, that's a gritty Chicago pitbull journalist! Lynn Sweet,'OJ are you guilty?'

OJ, 'No.'

Lynn Sweet, 'There you have it, Chicago!'

Sweet is no where near breaking a sweat. Tim Novak, the only real investigative reporter at Chicago Sun Times, has not been allowed to pursue Rezko, or Wright, much less Bill Boy Ayers and his protege Barack Obama. I believe that Sun Times editors have Novak chained in the basement.

Lynn Sweet needs Dave Axelrod to tell her what's what. . .; And they (MSM) they believe that readers are the dopes.

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