Monday, October 13, 2008

Ruth Ann Dailey of Pittsburgh Post Gazette Has Obama's and DNC's Number - Watch Out Now!

The Race Card was shuffled and dealt months ago by the Obama Camp - The former King and Queen of Hearts, Bill and Hillary Clinton were trumped hard in the Primaries. When questioned about Rev. Wright back in February, Obama decided to lecture America on Race, without ever explaining his twenty years at the feet of the now disgraced and Obama Bus Thumped Gamaliel ( he was the dude who taught St. Paul to be a Community Activist and name picked by Saul Alinsky for the subsequent parsing of the term) - Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

CNN's resident nut-job Jack Cafferty tossed out the Race Card during the waning days of summer, when Kid Hope was slumping. MSNBC has David Schuster fountain-mouth his 'say-it-don't spray it' musings with the regularity of a tornado warning on Missouri Cable Channels.

From battleground Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh to be exact comes one of the best articulation of the Hope or Die agenda by Obama that warns of race riots and other 'makes my heart hurt' dire prognostications to one and all.

The Democrats' perversion of the race issue has gotten so brazen that someone who merely points out the undeniably true -- like Mr. Obama's controversial ties to radicals or felons of any race or nationality -- is accused of racism. Left-wing politicos have opined that racism motivates even Democratic voters who don't support Mr. Obama (as if ideas don't matter), while James Carville, the Dems' talking head from the House of Slytherin, fears rioting if Mr. Obama loses.

And the Republican Party elders, to the chagrin of us younger conservatives, have accepted the Democrats' rules of engagement. Apparently, racial absolution will have to wait another decade.

For demographers, a generation may span two decades, but in culture and politics, generational characteristics seem to move in 10-year cycles. I belong to the group born at the tail end of the baby boom, the group who came of age just in time to vote for Ronald Reagan.

We burned the Iranian flag, not the American one, on the steps to our peaceful, already integrated schools. We who grew up in the homes of Eisenhower Republicans didn't hear racist language or thought and have no cause for shame.

But we watched the kids eight or 10 years ahead of us don their ratty denim uniforms of non-conformity and jump on the tail end of a historical movement they'd paid no price to further, noisily congratulating themselves for being superior to their narrow-minded parents.

We watched the party of segregation now pushing social policies soon demonstrated to be destructive and enslaving to a new generation of blacks.

And as adults we've watched blacks who dared to be conservatives get symbolically lynched by the likes of Teddy Kennedy and Joe Biden (who, like their media counterparts, have finally found a black man they can respect!).

Perhaps older Republicans and their political operatives are silent in the face of the left's racial exploitation because they were present for and complicit with the racially divisive "Southern strategy."

Not so for us younger folk. There's a whole generation of us who have clear consciences and cheerfully defiant attitudes. For us, this presidential campaign is not a traveling revival tent, nor the ballot box an altar at which we expunge our alleged sins. It's just politics. It always was.

Nicely stated Ms. Dailey.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:59 AM

    ...please where can I buy a unicorn?
