Friday, October 10, 2008

Let's See Some Real McCain Raised in Anger!

Do take the gloves off Senator McCain. Load the gloves with 1/2" ball bearing and give Obama some well-placed slaps in the puss.

Speak from your heart and toss punches from a wind-up that Mark Buehrle could only dream of.

It is time for America to see the real John McCain.

Treat the MSM with all of the contempt that they deserve.

Treat insult with forgiveness and Christian Charity, while Keith Olbermann picks up his bloody Chicklets from the side walk.

Give Milky Matthews a reason to blanch to a new shade of whiteness.

Most of all Give The New Messiah a full understanding of not only Gethsemane by a real taste of Calvary as well.

While you are at them, tell MSNBC Balloon Dancer Andrea Mitchell to find some gainful employment with a Gary Indiana Gentleman's Club.

I fully agree with Jon Swift:
Americans don’t want a President like Obama who is calm and cool in a crisis and never seems to break a sweat. They want a President who is as angry as they are, someone who will lash out unpredictably at our enemies. They want a President who thinks with his gut instead of his brain. They want a man who will pick up the phone at 3 a.m. and tell the person on the other end what he can do with himself before slamming the receiver down. Do you think anyone will dare to mess with America when a man like John McCain has his finger on the button?

If only Americans could see the real John McCain, instead of the one who calls everyone “my friends” when he doesn’t really mean it and hides his contempt behind a smile of gritted teeth. And let’s see how calm Obama is when McCain gets in his face and shoves him off his stool. So in the next debate let McCain be McCain and let the chips fall where they may. At this point it may be his only chance to win.

Put Country First! Put your foot squarely up the metaphorical cavities of your enemies and leave your shoes there to remind them of what all real President is all about!


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Bush put the country's "foot squarely up the metaphorical cavities of" Iraq, and now the foot is stuck with the shoe up said cavity. We are bleeding our treasury dry lashing out in anger, and have not made ourselves any safer, richer or happier. Any more lashing out in anger, and we'll be broke, without anyone to loan us any more money to continue acting out.

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    What is up with all the violence from McCain supporters? Angry much? How about you quit whining about the MSM "picking on you".. boo friggin hoo... and talk about issues that matter. Like the economy. Check your 401k statement lately?? Get with the ISSUES people. You're acting like lunatics!

  3. Anger?

    Man you are Trippin'!

    It is mellow in McCainia - a stone groove!

    Dig. McCain is as sweet as honey-dew vine water!

    Chill. Mean People Suck.

    Wave on life, Man.

  4. McCain may finally be coming out of his shell. Good observations. I like your site.

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