Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe the Plumber -I Too Hope It Ain't So, Joe - The Vanishing Middle Class

Joe - I am with you! I am as proudly partisan a hack as they can get - when I am for people I admire in Life and also in the cartoonish world that is politics, I stick with my friends. Generally,in politics, they tend to be hard working and honest elected officials at the local level, but with John McCain I see one of us. A genuine Middle Class Man! McCain is the real deal and no talking points or nuanced parsing changes that fact.

However, John McCain needed to give Senator Obama a real trimming and he did not. It was a debate, I know, but McCain really needed to land some serious punches and never seemed to get close.

Senator Obama was the Quill! Sadly, this media driven putsch on the White House is going the way of the people who are no friends of you, or me.

The Media decided long ago not to look into anything that would possibly keep Barack Obama from becoming the first black American President - in their infinite and unlimited gall - The Country Needs This More Than Anything. More than good schools. good teachers, a sound economy, a robust national defense, and a secure American middle class.

Ayers is a punk - with a well-heeled and well-connected cadre of cheerleaders.

Should President Obama take the oath of office the radicals who disrupted the 1968 Democratic Convention and their media stooges get their victory. Fair enough.

SEIU will dismantle the American Labor Movement.

The Fairness Doctrine will slide through and kill Free Speech.

Public Schools (Charter & Normal) will continue to make education an international laughing stock.

Abortion Industry will flourish.

America will lose the war on terror.

Hugo Chavez will keep an American President cooling his heels, until El Jefe deigns to see him.

The American Dream by 2010 will not fill a single REM cycle.

Chris Matthews's legs will tingle, because his race-baiting BS is far from done.

I already voted for John McCain here in Chicago. I hope that more people do the same. It looks bad, but I have Faith in Americans.

2012 is very long way off and I hope that you can hang onto your business. My youngest will be graduating from high school and about the only jobs an American Kid can look forward to will be working for a Community Activist or stooging for ACORN. The building trades will disappear.


  1. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Americans tend to be too trusting.Look at all the con men and sleazy used car salesmen.

    I understadn the frustraton, but the way to win this election is though voter's pocketbooks and purses. obama the "wealth spreader" is what will cause vters to fear him.

    Hopefully McCain will lay out some heavy duty ads right befre the election showing Obama's membership in the Socialist New Party.

  2. The problem with tax as we know them today is when the peoples money can be taken from them though Blackmail of prison to be used to buy votes.
    The Socialist Government under the Reid, Palousy's and Obama's is meant to control the masses and keep them on the DNC plantation to insure DNC power grabs.
    Remember, when there are no more poor. There is no more reason to pay for the DNC social engineering.
    67000 plus pages of Tax Law with over 8 million words written by those controling the masses and seeking power.
    We were warned of this
    "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened." -- Norman Thomas, six-time Presidential candidate of the Socialist Party of America.
    The American Republic will fall when the politicians learn they can bribe people with their own money. --Alexis de Tocqueville

  3. Anonymous8:58 AM

    The problem with tax as we know them today is when the peoples money can be taken from them though Blackmail of prison to be used to buy votes.
    The Socialist Government under the Reid, Palousy's and Obama's is meant to control the masses and keep them on the DNC plantation to insure DNC power grabs.
    Remember, when there are no more poor. There is no more reason to pay for the DNC social engineering.
    67000 plus pages of Tax Law with over 8 million words written by those controling the masses and seeking power.
    We were warned of this
    "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened." -- Norman Thomas, six-time Presidential candidate of the Socialist Party of America.
    The American Republic will fall when the politicians learn they can bribe people with their own money. --Alexis de Tocqueville

  4. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Palin is BETTER then Obama
    "her lack of experience"
    Huh? WTF!
    Why do we in the GOP let the Media and press tell us what to think?

    Palin is more qualified to be President then Obama is. Yet his qualifications have not been questioned at all. That is our fault. We can not expect the Media to expose the fact that the only thing Obama has ever run was over seen by a domestic terrorist.

    What Budgets, Military or employess have Obama, McCain or Biden been in charge or?

  5. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Joe The Plumber For PRESIDENT!

  6. Anonymous7:44 PM

    If it looks tat bad to you, I'd suggest you leave. Go to Mexico they run it pretty much the way you think you want a country to be run.

    Joe turned out to be a fraud and a liar, and Sam - not Joe, who won't even pay his legitimate taxes NOW.

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