Sunday, October 26, 2008

D.C. Dateline Details Ultra Radical Influences on Obama Campaign - Chicago Media Sits It Out, Again

Before Chicagoans take the kids to Grant Park on Election Day, consider who is directing Obama's Campaign.

Daley is spooked about the Grant Park Park event and obviously expects a riot as he has ordered Chicago Fire Emergency Units to take home gear.

Pittsburgh Tribune Review Dateline D.C. studies the radicals deeply involved in Obama's Campaign - especially SDS Veteran Marilyn Katz who collects hundreds of thousands in Chicago Tax Payer Dollars from Richard M. Daley's Pay to Play Program for Public Relations. Daley is cutting jobs in Streets and Sanitation and gutting services to citizens, but tossing heavy dollars to Katz.

Dig It! ( to wax retro-revolutionary)

The wrong kind of 'change'

Sunday, October 26, 2008

WASHINGTON -- Despite endless months of campaigning, Sen. Barack Obama has avoided explaining his relationships with several groups, many stemming from the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), that surround his friend, unconvicted terrorist and distinguished professor Bill Ayers.

While much is written about Obama's 1995 political career launch from Ayers' home, shared with his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, too little is being said about their effect on the presidential candidate.

Ayers and Dohrn were leaders of the self-proclaimed "revolutionary communists," who strategically bombed across America in the 1960s and 1970s. Their targets included the U.S. Capitol, police headquarters and stations, office buildings and the Pentagon. Both were fugitives and both have expressed only sparse regrets.

Obama should answer questions as to who else from Chicago's revolutionary groups participated in the launch of his political career. Was former SDS president Carl Davidson, now heading Progressives for Obama and a major figure in Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS), there?

CCDS, founded by a splinter group from the Communist Party infuriated by the defeat of the "evil empire," remains hostile to America.

While CCDS is a small organization, it influences dozens of labor unions, city governments, academics and nongovernmental organizations. Some of its key activists are Heather Booth, Leslie Cagan, Angela Davis, Marilyn Katz, Merle Ratner, Mark Solomon and Manning Marable.

*3d<*L>Dateline D.C. is written by a Washington-based British journalist and political observer.
CCDS includes some of those with leading positions in the Black Radical Congress, the Institute for Policy Studies, United for Peace and Justice and, of course, Progressives for Obama.

And, naturally, CCDS has close ties to Cuba, the Venezuelans and other communist parties including in the United States.

Today, many of them claim that SDS was a "peaceful organization." Take Marilyn Katz, who oversaw SDS security during the 1968 Chicago riots.

During the "Chicago Seven" trials, a police officer testified that on one chaotic night in Lincoln Park, Ms. Katz briefed a group of protesters on a new addition to their arsenal of anarchy -- guerrilla nails.

"She had two types," the officer recounted. "One was a cluster of nails that were sharpened at both ends and fastened in the center. It looked like they were welded or soldered. She said these were good for throwing or putting underneath tires. She showed another set that was the same type of nails, sharpened, but they were put through a Styrofoam cylinder. There was a weight put through the middle, another nail, held together with something that looked like liquid solder."

Perhaps Katz will grace a future Obama regime as she now does that of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, providing her public relations skills to a number of city departments, including police.

Today, Katz serves on Barack Obama's national finance committee, is a registered lobbyist and organized the massive October 2002 anti-war demonstration in Chicago with Carl Davidson of CCDS, where Obama first went public with his opposition to the Iraq war.

Of course, she has been close with Ayers and Dohrn throughout the years, saying in an August 2008 interview that she had "no regrets" about her actions in the 1968 riots.

Another old comrade of Ayers is Heather Booth, a veteran activist from SDS, the civil rights-women's rights anti-war movements and the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). She was a co-founder and one-time president of the Midwest Academy, which trains in agitation and receives funding from the Woods Foundation, whose board included Obama and Ayers.

Chicago Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have helped Obama's political career and have supported him. Its unions endorsed Obama's campaign, and DSA-linked figures such as Congresswomen Jan Schakowsky, who wants to be his secretary of Labor, and Congresswoman Barbara Lee have come out strongly for the senator.

While the iron-disciplined Communist Party USA (CPUSA) has committed itself totally to the Obama cause, the DSA is less obvious about its support, although several prominent DSA members, including Dr. Quentin Young, a board member in Chicago, support him.

Joelle Fishman, chairman of CPUSA's Political Action Commission and chairman of the Connecticut CPUSA, gave Obama a glowing endorsement in July and made it very plain that the CPUSA was a part of the Obama Unity for Change movement.

Joelle, the wife of CPUSA official Arthur Perlo and daughter-in-law of Victor Perlo, notorious as a spy for the Soviet Union code-named "Raider," knows of which she speaks.

Victor headed the Perlo Group of Soviet espionage agents in the United States, which included several important U.S. officials, including a Senate staff director, that supplied the Soviet Union with economic, political and military intelligence, including aircraft production during World War II.

Before World War II, Victor was a member of the Ware spy ring of some 70 economists and lawyers working against the U.S. government for Russia. He was and remains a hero to the Left.

Barack Obama has the full support of a strong and unified left wing.

Is that the kind of change we want in our government?

Dateline D.C. is written by a Washington-based British journalist and political observer.

Chicago's disgraceful media refuses to do its job.

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