Monday, September 29, 2008

This Just In! Air-Brushed Mo Dowd Banned from Straight-Talk Express!

Air-Brushed Mo, who looks like Dorian Gray's portrait in the 'For Real?' is reportedly banned from Plane McCain!
This from Ari at Firdoglake

Howard Kurtz drops this tidbit into his column:

The company may have been more pleasant than that of McCain aides, who have barred Dowd from the candidate's plane.

If the Obama campaign banned a FoxNews Reporter from the plane, I'm sure it would be the greatest crime against the first amendment ever committed. MoDo banned -- one sentence, no explanation.

Lacunae! as Mo would say!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    You mean she has been demoted from columnist to reporter. Can't be true. I know times are rough, recession and all that, but...

