Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain/Palin: Trump the Race Card - Jesus was a Cajun!

Got this from Bull Dog Pundit at Ankle Biting Pundits. The Race Card is Flashed!

To avoid the Mary Mitchells and Hermene Hartman and Donna Brazile and Governor Dave Patersons (D. NY' Paterson sees the repeated use of the words "community organizer" as Republican code for "black". Uh-huh.) of America who might turn Obama's Race Cards before they're needed. Too early to play the Race Card. Wait until just before Halloween! Really get the Kids Scared!

Allow me to trump the Race Card with a theological turn on Rev. James Cones' Black Liberation Theology that he plagiarized from South American Catholic Lberation Theology. This trick is called Cajun Liberation Theology which has a much creedance as the arguement that Jesus is Black. He's Ragin Cajun! 'EYE -EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Suck da Heads off Dat Crawdad!'

Jesus was a Cajun! Jesus was a Ragin’ Cajun! ( Missa Solmenis - Charlie Daniels and the CDB)

From a town in Louisiana on the wrong side of the tracks,
came a rowdy Ragin Cajun by the name of Jeezah Criy,
He was harder than a hickory long and thinner than a rail,
He was faster than a Copperhead and he werent afraid of hell,
He turned 18 in the Parish courthouse facin 10 to life,
about some altercation in a beer joint with a knife,
He said judge I mean your honor I hope you’ll understand,
but if it happened here today I think I’d do it all again,
cause you don’t get up in my face, you don’t call my mama names,
you don’t whistle in my kitchen, you dont pull my big dogs chain,
I don’t mean no disrespect but I been stubborn, all my life

He’d been two years in prison when his cousin Jay came down,
said his sister was in trouble in some far off Northern town,
He broke out of jail that night and left a note behind,
I’ll see ya’ll in a week or so, till then I’m hard to find,
He found her in a tavern up in westside Buffalo,
Gave her a one way ticket home and pushed her out the door,
Said I’m lookin for the man who done my little sister harm,
he’s a soul destroying punk that stuck a needle in her arm,
and some pimp back in the corner, started makin himself small,
but he grabbed him by the collar and he pushed him to the wall,
He said you try to run away, you gone regret it, all your life,

The Cajun started laughin when the pimp pulled out a knife,
He said I oughtta kill ya, but I’m gonna spare your life,
With one sledgehammer fist he knocked him sprawlin on the floor,
and then he kicked him in his forked end, and he headed for the door,
He walked on down the sidewalk and hit the Southern trail,
He went back to Louisiana and he walked into the jail,
He said I had some business up above the bunkie line,
but my debts have all been settled and I’ve come to do my time,
and I hope I didnt cause no trouble, I wasnt tryin to run away,
But a feller owed me somethin and I had to make him pay,
Besides I’m kind of proud I been a coonass, all my life

Rev. Pat Hickey - Archbishop of the Cajun Liberation Theology Church of Crawdad Pies and Etoufe!

GAWD DAMN . . . this is Fine Pie!

Gawd Damn Ameriquest!

Nah,nah,nah, nah, nah Gawd Damn Dem Dere Gater Totz is Hot!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    A blog worth reading on forward until the end! :) I really admire the wording in this blog, cute post quite precise to the details but I just might change one or two things, never-the-less, bravo on well choiced words mate.. The story really grabbed my attention and I like the way you metaphorized the characters :)
    p.s.>> Thanks for sharing, I actually picked up some knowledge on this one :)
    -Have an amazing day!
