Monday, September 15, 2008

McCain/Palin: As Go(ing)es New York, Can Go Illinois

Ed Morrisey of HotAir points to BAw-Bwa Stwey Sand singing from a tugboat to the fishes in New York Harbor just like in Funny Girl -'Dont Wain on My Pah WaYade!' Babs the numbers is thumpin' Obama in New Yawk! The HAWKEY MAWM had something to do with it but so did the over sized suit hanging on the Junior Senator from Illinois.

If Obama loses his grip on New York, he can’t possibly win the election. If he has to sink a large amount of money in New York, he’ll have to take it from his efforts in battleground states, and he’ll have to cut his face time in places like Michigan, Ohio, Colorado, and Minnesota. That’s a recipe for defeat, both financially and electorally.
Just a week ago, his campaign shrugged off the national polls by asserting that the state polls were what counted. As this shows, the national polls provide a pretty good barometer about what one can expect in the states. If New York becomes a toss-up, Obama can kiss his White House aspirations good-bye.

Dang! Sounds like that'll play the same way in Decatur, Springfield, Joliet and yes -MSNBC - Peoria!
Similarly, Illinois may disappoint the Junior Senator as well.


  1. I love Barbra and will be voting McCain in 2008. Other than that, it sounds like from the article that you have Barbra mixed up with Barbwa Walters.

  2. Barabra BelGeddes - nope. Barabella nope. Dang it!

    Well, I like Sarah Vaughan.
