Friday, August 22, 2008

John McCain: Obama's Team Seeks to Pick up Some Change in D.C.

I remember Dan Shomon. He was a point man for Senator Obama during his many runs for elected office. Seemed like a nice guy - Hell, why not be a nice guy; it doesn't cost you nickel one. Dan Shomon was recently trolling for lobby work in Washington D.C. come the great Change Age. That was in July, when fields were green. Heavens! A Lobbyist with Kid Hope?

And Obama has his Haines in a twist over McCain's Real Estate Holdings? Seven ( 7) homes- not bad; glad it's not me - I'd be pissing off more neighbors: 'Hickey, cut the damn grass! Jesus, how much work is it to slap some stain on your deck? Did you celebrate the end of the Vietnam War by weeding?'

Senator Obama has Billy Ayers darting out from under the Frigidaire and he's worried about another man's houses? No, wonder he's tanking.

The Obama Campaign is currently tanking, but back in July it looked like Team Change was about to have their Victory soup served in Paul Revere Silver tureens. Ben Smith at Politico tossed this morsel on the grill - I missed it. A pal sent me an e-mail with the link. I was probably watch Illinois Lotto reruns or Big Daddy Woo-woo Freedom Auto Sales loops. Here is the Ben Smith snag of a lobbyist at work:

Cashing in on 'CHANGE'

Mike Allen gets hold of an email promoting the lobbying business of a former Obama aide, Dan Shomon. Key line:

Should "CHANGE" occur in November as polls indicate, we should see a lot of people from Illinois moving to Washington D.C. and taking key spots in an Obama administration. Now is the time to anticipate these changes.

Allen has statements of regret from Shomon and the campaign. Full email after the jump.

» Continue reading Cashing in on 'CHANGE'

Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 3:14 PM
Subject: Meeting Obama's Former Political Director, Chief of Staff, Spokesman

Hello :

I am a partner with Dan Shomon, of Dan Shomon Inc. with offices in Chicago and Washington, D.C.

Dan was the longest serving aide, and political director for Senator Obama serving as Political Director & Campaign Manager for Obama's 2004 Senate campaign and acting as his chief political advisor and spokesman from 1997 through 2006 when Dan left to open his government affairs practice. Dan is mentioned in every book about Sen. Obama and is profiled in Senator Obama's book, "The Audacity of Hope." Dan has been interviewed in recent months by Time Magazine, the Wash. Post, ABC's 20/20, CNN, the LA Times, the Chicago Tribune, and many other publications about Sen. Obama.

We will be in Washington DC August 4, 5, and 6th and were interested in scheduling a meeting with your government affairs team to discuss the changing political landscapes and our services and capabilities.

Currently we represent clients such as the University of Chicago, Honeywell, and Pfizer. Should "CHANGE" occur in November as polls indicate, we should see a lot of people from Illinois moving to Washington D.C. and taking key spots in an Obama administration. Now is the time to anticipate these changes.

Please let me know if we can meet for a half hour any of those days we are in town to discuss our capabilities and ways in which we may serve your needs during these changing times.

Thanks so much and don't hesitate to call me at 312-xxx-xxx.

Gerald Galloway
Partner, Dan Shomon Inc.

Backtround on Dan Shomon :

Dan Shomon: Guiding Obama through the Early Years

Dan Shomon was Senator Barack Obama's longest-serving aide, campaign manager and advisor -- from January 1997 to May 2006 when Dan opened up his own government affairs practice in downtown Chicago. Dan traveled over 5,000 miles alone with Obama during the time and became his key closest confidante and political strategist. Dan is featured in every book on Sen. Obama including Sen. Obama's autobiography, "The Audacity of Hope"

Shomon has been quoted in Time Magazine, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, the New Yorker, National Public Radio and the Washington Post and he has been interviewed by ABC's 20/20, CNN and the BBC.

Shomon began serving as an aide to Obama when he was a staff person for Illinois Senate Democratic Leader Emil Jones. Shomon was first assigned by Leader Jones in January 1997 to coordinate Obama's press and legislative work. He held that position until August 1999. During that time, Shomon accompanied Obama on a one-week trip to Southern Illinois that was prominently featured in Obama's book "Audacity of Hope." As a staff aide, Shomon worked on many issues including tax justice. He helped Obama develop a coalition of tax organization that pushed through tax relief for working families. Due in part to Shomon and Obama's work, a new law was passed to double the standard deduction on Illinois income taxes from $1,000 to $2,000. The standard deduction had been frozen at $1,000 for a quarter-century.

In August 1999, Shomon was named Campaign Manager for Obama for Congress 2000 in Obama's race for the 1st Congressional District. He held that post until Obama was defeated by incumbent Congressman Bobby Rush in March 2000. As campaign manager, Shomon oversaw a $625,000 budget, a full-time staff of five people and all media and issues management and field operations.

Shomon continued to serve as senior advisor to Obama until July 2002 when he was named Campaign Manager for Obama's campaign for U.S. Senate. In January 2003, Obama announced his candidacy for U.S. Senator. In July 2003 Shomon was named Political Director for Obama and served in that role until May 2006.

In the Democratic primary race for U.S. Senate, Shomon managed & coordinated Obama's announcement for U.S. Senator in January 2003. Shomon was also a key member of the press and issues management team for Obama and oversaw strategy and field operations for 97 of Illinois' 102 counties.

Dan currently advises and handles government affairs for clients such as the University of Chicago and Honeywell.

Shomon earned his undergraduate degree in English Literature from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., He received a Master's Degree in Public Administration from the University of Illinois.

By Ben Smith 08:07 PM

Lookee here; you got Ayers, Rezko, Crazy Uncle Jere Wright, Father 'Forgive Me' Pfleger, Granny Shudder, Shomon, . . . no wonder them polls are slipping under the waves like Titanic with a weight problem.

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