Monday, July 14, 2008

Mary Mitchell's Race Baiting is Played Out

Mary Mitchell pulls another little race-baiting scab in Sunday's Chicago Sun Times to remind whites that they are evil mean nasty haters and to pump up the Maywood reunion of the Mt. Greenwood Seven,

There's a Mt. Greenwood Seven Eleven at 111th and Kedzie on the Northeast Side of the Street, but Mary invents the Mt. Greenwood Seven as new Civil Rights Icons. Seven black children who attended Mt. Greenwood Elementary School from February until June ( I guess) in 1968.

Click my post title for Mitchell's July 13, 2008 scab yank!

In 1968, I was working at Gee Lumber which was at 79th Street & Western Ave. behind Sharko's and Quigley South ( now St. Rita of Cascia High School - which was at 63rd and Claremont - see?) Things do change.. I remember quite a bit from that time, but nothing about Selma in Mt. Greenwood.

Busing, as I recall, began in the 1970's. In 1968, Black kids moved about pretty freely in my neighborhood ( Little Flower) and in Mt. Greenwood - Honor Bright. There was a farm where the Chicago Agricultural School now welcomes hundreds of black kids who take buses from all over Chicago every day. Everything changes and sometimes somethings change for the better.

Not Mary Mitchell. Mary Mitchell equates every whitey's waking of day to Bull Connor giving the dogs a little time off the leashes. Like The Great Castrato, Jesse Jackson, Sr. the race card gets played at every hand, One Note Samba!

Let the Great Conversation on Race Begin!!!!

Pythagorean Theorem? Racist

Ortho Weed B Gone? Racist

The Cast of 'Oklahoma? Racist

Cap'n Crunch? Racist

Dry Wall Tape? Racist

Here's Mary Mitchell's attempted smear of everyone who lives or lived in Mt. Greenwood:

'At one point, 104 Chicago Police officers guarded the students as they went in and out of Mount Greenwood Elementary School.
On Feb. 2, 1968, the Chicago Daily News described the scene outside Mount Greenwood as being "reminiscent of the integration of schools in Little Rock."
"The people went berserk," Wysinger recalls'

Berserk white Mothers with strollers stood in the pouring rain for six months in order to scream racial taunts at black kids - Six Months!! For Real?

Wow - I hate myself! Damn, racist white boy . . . well, racist white geezer! Good God, there's more! I wonder if Billy Holiday had a song about the Mt. Greenwood Seven? Maybe there is a brown Honorary Street Sign! Back to the Saga!

One Hundred and Four Police Officers?? Really? In 1968? You sure? In 1968, the Mt.Greenwood neighborhood was covered by the officers of the Gresham Police District ( The 6th District) which was located at 85th & Green - that was a very expansive piece of Chicago real estate to patrol, but there was very little crime back then in 1968. Ms. Mitchell, A retired Gresham police officer was not so sure about your claim of 104 officers protecting the 'Mt. Greenwood Seven.' It sure seems to this retired Police Officer that there were 'no where near 104 police officers at Gresham in all shifts in 1968.' I'm white and he's white, we could be wrong. Nah. I was in Gresham, as a young scape-grace in 1968 and as an adult helping raise money for Leo High School, before the new station was built. Gresham was the size of a Velveta Cheese Box - it is now a Beauty Culture College.

Mitchell cites the Chicago Daily News whose archives are now deader than black & white Dragnet episodes, but might be on microfiche somewhere. On the Internet, I could not find any similar article from that time in the Chicago Tribune or the Sun Times. There must be some archival link to the "Mt. Greenwood Seven" Saga from thos halcyon days. Out of curiosity, I also talked to at least ten people who lived in Mt. Greenwood in 1968 (I lived in Gresham at that time), who had no memory of the Selma-Lite in Mt. Greenwood, nor the "Mt. Greenwood Seven," but then, of course, all of them are white people. Mary Mitchell has no use for white people - without racist villains Mitchell has nothing.

I wondered if this saga of the Seven might not be a hoax or some sort of Jayson Blair fabrication. Mercy sakes, that could not be. However the story was choke full of pretty inflated rhetoric for a grammar school reunion. But, memory is what it is, I suppose.

Given the tenor of the tale, I wondered, is there a bronze relief of the Mt. Greenwood Seven at Mt. Greenwood Elementary? Perhaps a coin is to be struck.

Nope, just a race-baiting story. White people, in Mary Mitchell's World are nasty, haters. That is not the case at all. Whites in Chicago support Big Shoulders Fund that helps black kids, who are not Catholic, receive a Catholic education. Catholic Charities which has offices and outlets allover black Chicago is supported by white people. There are many, many, many such examples. Matters not, in Mitchell World.

Like the played out Jesse Jackson,Sr. , Mary Mitchell's race baiting activism is really sad and tiresome. Played out.

Here's some of what went on in February 1968 - nothing about the Mt. Greenwood Seven:


Jan.30: Tet begins.
February 1 - Vietnam War: A Viet Cong officer named Nguyễn Vãn Lém is executed by Nguyễn Ngọc Loan, a South Vietnamese National Police Chief. The event is photographed by Eddie Adams. The photo makes headlines around the world, eventually winning the 1969 Pulitzer Prize, and sways U.S. public opinion against the war.

February 6-February 18 - The 1968 Winter Olympics were held in Grenoble, France

February 8 - American civil rights movement: A civil rights protest staged at a white-only bowling alley in Orangeburg, South Carolina is broken-up by highway patrolmen, leading to the deaths of 3 college students.

February 11 - Border clashes take place between Israel and Jordan.

February 13 - Civil rights disturbances occur at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

February 17 - Administrative reform in Romania divides the country into 39 counties.

February 19 - The Florida Education Association (FEA) initiates a mass resignation of teachers to protest state funding of education. This is, in effect, the first statewide teachers' strike in the United States.

February 24 - Vietnam War: The Tet Offensive is halted - South Vietnam recaptures Hué.

February 27 - Ex-The Teenagers singer Frankie Lymon is found dead from a heroin overdose in Harlem.


  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Hickey, you're a nut. You're not the same Hickey who taught at Bishop Mac in the 80's are you?

    That Hickey was too smart to vote for 4 more years of the crap we've been living with for the last 7 years.

    Take it easy, but take it,
    Cody Jarrett

    WARNING: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, WITH CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL, the National Security Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the current President, 69 members of the Senate and 293 members of the House of Representatives.

  2. The very same Cody!

    How's Ma?

  3. I grew up in Mt Greenwood and was actually there in 1968 at the school. You are completely wrong about everything you said, and obviously don't know what you're talking about. Ms. Mitchell described events accurately - I WAS THERE.
