Tuesday, July 01, 2008

John McCain: Take Obama 'Downtown' for a Ride

Obama's oily use of Gen. Wes Clark on Meet the Press was the latest example of the Jackassing of a President - the Moveon.org, Daily Kos, Huffington Post, MSNBC script to slip a one term, unvetted, storyboarded. character into the White House.

Muscrat Barack got some yardage from Wes Clark's disparaging and sadly self-serving interview with Bob Schieffer who took Clark to task for his obvious willingness to dance on his own chest of ribbons, like a military Bill Ayers, for a shot at the Vice Presidency. Obama took what he could and characteristically ducked under the pond scum:

Clark's remarks set off a familiar pattern from earlier tussles over criticism: the candidates, Obama and McCain, took the high road while the harsh language was left to surrogates.

Obama, without mentioning Clark by name, said that patriotism "must, if it is to mean anything, involve the willingness to sacrifice."

Obama tossed Wes under the bus with his Grannie, his Real Estate agent Tony Rezko, his Crazy Uncle Jere, and even the unctious Father Mike - It is strange that Obama has not tossed Billy Ayers under the Greyhound, too much money and Lefty Influence I imagine.

It is time for John McCain to open up on Barack Obama. He is a soft target. Drop the ordnance on this cupcake. Tell the Truth on Obama, Senator McCain - He can't handle the Truth!

Obama deserves to be a footnote in history -The Audacity of Hubris.

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