Thursday, July 17, 2008

Jackson & Kramer ARE 'The Defiant Ones!'

Given America's honest, sober and forthright Great Conversation . . . well monologue anyway . . .About Race Relations, this might be a golden opportunity to re-enact the script of Stanley Kramer's ground-breaking 1958 movie classic - The Defiant Ones.

Handcuff the glib Rev. Jesse Jackson to . . . oh let's say . . .hmmmmm . . .so many race-potty mouths to choose from in my racial demographic . . . Michael Richards - TV's Kramer.

From 2006, when Richards ( Kramer) went on a racist rant himself and was consigned to the Hollywood Gulag:

HOLLYWOOD - Rev. Jesse Jackson has lashed out at actor Michael Richards after he went on a racial tirade last week--insisting the comedian is "dangerous to himself and others."

Richards is reaching out to civil rights leaders to repair damage after launching into a racist rant in Los Angeles when he was heckled by two African-Americans at a comedy club.

Jackson has slammed the former Seinfeld star, saying, "He's embarrassed. He got caught on tape. That's a big part of his anxiety now."

Jackson said Richards is ill and in desperate need of professional help, adding, "Clearly he needs some race sensibility training, and some psychiatric help.

"His anger is volatile and dangerous to himself and others. I hope he gets the help he needs.

True then, as now, Rev!

Place the "N"-Word Bad Boys on a cross country Odyssey with a film crew as they chase open freight cars across this great country of ours and count the number of times that they each use racial pejoratives until they fully come to a realization of their shared natures as jackasses. Jesse as Sidney Poitier and Kramer as Tony Curtis . . .chain, chain,chaiiiinnnnn . . . Chain of Foooools! Good Soundtrack.

Oh, Do Let The Journey and the Healing Begin!

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