Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dr. Steve Sauerberg: Happy Flag Day, Senator Durbin! The Progressive's Purse Dog Dick Durbin!

The Progressive's Purse Dog Dick Durbin! He'll Never make Keith Olbermann's List! Good Boy, Dick!

With The United States SupremeCourt proving John McCain's point that activist judges put Americans in Harm's Way; Justify Show Trials like one's the Japanese comducted in WWII; allow enemy combatants the same habeus corpus rights as American citizens and bringing up Senator Dick Durbin's charge that American servicemen are no different than Nazis, the clowns are doing the Billy Ayers tap dance all over this Flag Day.

Dr. Steve Sauerberg, M.D. is running against Senator Durbin. Senator Durbin has been a Progressive/Moonbat lapdog ever since he ate Planned Parenthood's salt and turned his back on his conviction that Abortion is wrong. Click my post title for Dick Durbin's oath of Fealty to Daily Kos.. What a Schi

Doc Saurberg sent me a reminder of Senator Durbin's speech made three years ago - I remember:
Contact: Chris Barron
Office - (630) 424-3490
Cell - (630) 215-9118 or (202) 297-9807

Three Years Ago Today:
Dick Durbin Compares our Troops to Nazis

Steve Sauerberg, M.D. - "Three years ago today, Senator Dick Durbin committed an unforgivable sin against the brave men and women who serve our country in uniform. Dick Durbin's comments on the floor of the Senate, in the middle of a war, comparing our troops to Nazis, were a total betrayal of those who serve our nation."

(Lombard, IL) - Three years ago today, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) took to the floor of the Senate and compared U.S. troops serving in Iraq to the murderous regimes of Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia and Pol Pot's Cambodia. "Three years ago today, Senator Dick Durbin committed an unforgivable sin against the brave men and women who serve our country in uniform," said U.S. Senate nominee Steve Sauerberg, M.D. "Dick Durbin's comments on the floor of the Senate, in the middle of a war, comparing our troops to Nazis, were a total betrayal of those who serve our nation."

On the floor of the Senate, Durbin stated, "If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime -- Pol Pot or others -- that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners."

Durbin's comments sparked a national fire-storm, and dozens of prominent leaders on the national stage called on Durbin to apologize. Initially, Durbin defended his remarks. Durbin even claimed that it was the administration - not him - who should apologize. "This administration should apologize to the American people for abandoning the Geneva Conventions and authorizing torture techniques that put our troops at risk and make Americans less secure."

"Instead of admitting he was wrong, Dick Durbin's instinct was to try to shift the blame onto someone else," continued Sauerberg. "It was classic Dick Durbin - avoid taking responsibility at all costs - whatever happens try to pass the buck to someone else."

Unfortunately for Durbin, his strategy of sticking by his comments and trying to place the blame on someone else didn't work. After the Jewish Anti-Defamation League called on him to apologize, and Chicago Mayor Richard Daley criticized his comments, Durbin was forced to issue an apology.

"It took Durbin almost a week to issue an apology. His crocodile tears and forced apology didn't fool anyone," said Sauerberg. "Military families, and the people who support our military, have waited three long years to make Dick Durbin pay for his outrageous comments - and that's exactly what I intend to do by defeating Dick Durbin in November."

"Today I am meeting with mothers who have sent their sons and daughters off to fight for our country in the global war on terror. For months and months, Dick Durbin has refused to meet with these mothers and refused to support our brave men and women in harm's way. Today, I will deliver a message to those military moms - when I am representing Illinois in the U.S. Senate, I will always have an open door for you. Instead of standing up for, Code Pink and the rest of the blame-America-first crowd, I will stand up for you and for our troops," concluded Sauerberg.

Sauerberg for U.S. Senate - P.O. Box 667 Lombard, IL 60148. For more information on Steve's campaign please visit our website at

Senator Durbin needs time to write his memoirs - Vote for Dr. Steve Sauerberg!

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