Friday, May 16, 2008

REDSTATES's Soren Daytons's 'The Ballad of Rubin, James'

Well done Soren Dayton you licked a lie to the truth and James Rubin of WAPO into consciousness. Go visit Fat Boy Olbermann at MSNBC- The Tool Shed and try and get him out of those Oil Can Harry Zoot Suits.

Here's what Soren wrought!

The Washington Post should either fire their editors or send them to remedial education. They should be ashamed that they let this garbage get printed.

Despite his reputation in the media as a charming maverick, McCain has shown that he is also happy to use Nixon-style dirty campaign tactics. By charging recently that Hamas is rooting for an Obama victory,

McCain isn't "charging". A senior Hamas leader said that "actually we like Mr. Obama. We hope he will (win) the election [...] and he has a vision to change America." Why isn't that the story, rather than a distortion of McCain's statement?

This clown James Rubin continues:

I asked: "Do you think that American diplomats should be operating the way they have in the past, working with the Palestinian government if Hamas is now in charge?"

McCain answered: "They're the government; sooner or later we are going to have to deal with them, one way or another, and I understand why this administration and previous administrations had such antipathy towards Hamas because of their dedication to violence and the things that they not only espouse but practice, so . . . but it's a new reality in the Middle East. I think the lesson is people want security and a decent life and decent future, that they want democracy. Fatah was not giving them that."

"Deal with" is not the same as "unconditional" talks at the level of heads of state. The President of Iran says that Israel should be destroyed and their weapons are being used to kill American soldiers. Indeed, yesterday on the blogger call McCain pointed out that Ryan Crocker regularly interacts with Iranians in Baghdad.

How could the Washington Post's editors let this garbage get printed in their paper? Are they illiterate or just biased beyond belief?


Redstate Booted yours truly for my rather strident defense of John McCain back in July - Blood under the bridge.

Here's what I wrote. Apologies to Bruce Springsteen, who seemed to throw a shoe a few years back and became Woody Guthrie.

The Ballad of the Sinking of Rubin, James
Have you heard of the drip called good Rubin, James,
Tanned by a hard fighting man both of honor and of fame?
Soren Dayton peep'd Rubin's scrawl and found it mighty,
Thin and tonight James's an' aftertought and tomorrow pp.63.


Tell me what were their names, tell me what were their names,

Did you have a friend no where good Rubin, James?

What were their names, tell me what were their names?

Did you have a friend goofy fibber Rubin, James?

One hundred words into the spiel were drowned in that dark watery grave;
When that by-line went down, only forty-four were saved.
'Twas the last day of the week we saved the forty-four
From the cold icy brush off of Obama's Media store.

It was there in the dark of that dubious prose
That Soren Dayton McCain's cause glady rose.
Then a whine and a rock and a flatulant roar
And they laid the Rubin, James on Olbermann's front door.

Now tonight there are lights in our country so bright
On the farms and in the cities they're telling of the fight.
And now our mighty blogspots will stream from doughty mainframe
And remember the name of goofy Rubin, James.


  1. Theres no need to apologize to Springsteen Mistah Pat he is an Obama supporter as far as I can tell. I made the comment earlier about Obama taking the 100 year statement and turning it into a total lie but Mac is accused of Nixon-style tactics when he calls Obama out on an absolute fact. Howard Dean has released a new McCainpedia as of today there is an article about it at I think it is here: Remember my new email is

  2. I staightened out my google account just now Mistah Pat so everything should be back to normal as far as backtracking.
