Wednesday, May 21, 2008

John McCain:The Kite Runner Checks In - Again!

Look at that! Bob can't even follow his own advice!

This mope has more nerve than a bum tooth. Bob Creamer the convicted check kiter stooging for Barack Obama and oozing Progressive oil from Arianna Huffington's Geek Restaurant - The Huffington Post continues to pretend that he is somebody.

Get this nugget of Orwellian thought from this drip:

In general, people are more likely to "act themselves" into a belief or commitment than to be convinced by argument. The 80,000 people who attended the Portland rally for Obama would never have gone had there not been a long primary to necessitate it. The act of attending that rally will do more than dozens of commercials will do to guarantee their commitment and their passion for the Democratic candidate this fall.

The same is true for the tens of thousands who banged on doors or picked up the phone - or argued with a neighbor about the campaign.

Clique My Poste Title for all of The Check Kiter in Today's HUFFPO - Hollywood Squares!
Black is White and White is Black and Terra Haute is not a Prison!

If you want a a real head scratcher check out Camp Obama Director and Convicted Check Kiter Bob Creamer's latest attempt at . . . Jesus, he got me.

Strunk and White could sit over that one for days.

'I say it's Finnish E.B.'

'Nope. Bill, it's Gotta be Lower Slobovian. English? Not even close.'

This mope deserves to be treated to Jan Schakowsky on a very regular basis. She'd make Gandhi take out a gun owners permit. Hell, She'd get him Mahatma eating beefy jerky.


  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    "...every voter should know: Obama DID NOT attract 75,000 “fans” to a rally in Portland, Oregon, by the supposed “power of his charisma”. Interestingly enough, his speech was preceded (and followed) by a free concert, given by the band The Decemberists, local legends in their own right. Curiously, the Media failed to mention this important detail when reporting about the event, thus giving the impression that Obama had somehow drawn hundreds of bearded ‘latte drinkers’ on his own, without any other motivation apart from his “impressive popularity”. This may seem to some as inconsequential, but the mere fact that the Press was so willing to give credit where credit WAS NOT due, betrays their rapacious tendency to favor Barack Hussein Obama every time they spin their daily political news."

  2. well, shucks! That would mean that, . . .that . . . The Kite Runner was Dis -Ingenuous????

    Freedom is slavery; freedom is slavery; . . .Ooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmm.

  3. You are so funny Mistah Pat but that is so true. I did a piece and I also went over to Huffington Post and gave them a pice of my mind on their post about Mac being wrong and that Ahmadinajhad was not the one leading Iran the lying hair-splitting so-n-so's which is what I called them.

    I told them that they were only saying that in order to try and put a positive spin on Obama's niave and inexperienced behind. He acts like he is the only one he is representing and that speaks volumes about how inexperienced he is and how niave as well. Obama is acting like a green inexperienced attorney not a president representing the American people.

    Why against Ahmadinajhad Obama's ass is grass and Ahmadinajhad the lawn mower. Any seasoned leader would know that if you meet with terrorists such as Ahmadinajhad's Hamas you are validating them and what they stand for. Mac would never put the United States safety at risk let alone give Ahmadinajhad the time of day. As for Obama drawing that many people to one function that was not believable to begin with. That was to toot his own horn and no one else's because as long as he believes in that alter ego then I guess Creamer can keep him stumping. I can't speak for anyone else but I knew that they had to be giving away free gas cards or something to that effect. There was just no way all those kids were there to listen to his bait and switch Oprah Winfrey puppet show. What is creamer in the Oprah Winfrey book club or on one of her "best reads" pick lists? They make me sick and I can not wait until Mac chews Obama up and spits him out in a debate.

  4. I'm curious if Creamer has any official role with the Obama campaign.

  5. I would not doubt that at all. They are such greenies and it shows.
