Tuesday, May 13, 2008

John McCain: Obama's Remarks on Israel Demand Serious Inquiry

This is rather disturbing. Senator Barack Obama, in a frank interview featured in Commentary by Jennifer Rubin, referes to Israel as
'this constant wound, 'this constant sore.'

Here is the exchange between Jeff Goldberg and Senator Obama:

JG: Do you think that Israel is a drag on America’s reputation overseas?
BO: No, no, no. But what I think is that this constant wound, that this constant sore, does infect all of our foreign policy. The lack of a resolution to this problem provides an excuse for anti-American militant jihadists to engage in inexcusable actions, and so we have a national-security interest in solving this, and I also believe that Israel has a security interest in solving this because I believe that the status quo is unsustainable. I am absolutely convinced of that, and some of the tensions that might arise between me and some of the more hawkish elements in the Jewish community in the United States might stem from the fact that I’m not going to blindly adhere to whatever the most hawkish position is just because that’s the safest ground politically

Read the whole piece.

Judgment? Sounds to me like his mind is made up and that ain't good.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I don't see how someone could honestly say that Israel is not a constant wound. When was the last time Israel/Palestine was at peace? And it would be impossible for a serious person to contend that what happens between the Israeli's and Palestinians doesn't effect everyone else in the world.
