Thursday, May 29, 2008

John McCain: Hugo Will Bully Lugo - Paraguay a Keystone in Democracy

While Americans ( Norte Americanos) up here in the Great Forty-Eight, with Alaska and Hawaii of course, parse gotcha phrases, gerundives and sentences,Rezko, Ayers, Wright, & etc., there is some serious history taking shape in South America.

Paraguay elected a Marxist Liberation Theology ( dish watered by Rev. Wright) and former Catholic Bishop Fernando Lugo as its President. Paraguay holds the energy keys to Brazil in the form of Hydro-Electric Power. Brazil has resisted the ministrations of Hugo Chavez who nationalized Venezuelan natural resources. Brazil and Paraguay are eye-ball to eye-ball over surplus electric power. Fernando Lugo seems close to Chavez.

Paraguay is the tipping point in the South American 'Pink Tide' that has swept Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina and other South American nations and seriously threatens Columbia.

The candidates for President need to address this coming flash point in the struggle for Democracy - Paraguay will be huge.

Here is a Wikpedia Sketch of President Lugo:

Fernando Armindo Lugo Méndez is a Paraguayan politician who won the April 2008 presidential election and is therefore president-elect of Paraguay.

A Roman Catholic bishop, he is associated with the Socialist International through the APC-coalition's Revolutionary Febrerista Party. He had requested laicization in order to run for office. However, the Holy See refused the request on the grounds that Bishops could not undergo laicization, and also denied him the requested canonical permission to run for civil elected office.[2] Subsequently following his declaration of candidacy, the Holy See imposed on him the penalty of suspension from the discharge of the ordained ministry, but did not dismiss him from the clerical state.[3]

John McCain is the only candidate with a clear policy on Latin America and directly points to the impact Paraguay will have on stability and peace in our Western Hemisphere.

Click my post title for some good background on this issue.

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