Tuesday, May 06, 2008

John McCain: Black Americans Have a Real Choice in John McCain

Heavyweight Boxer Thomas Hayes ( 27-1) is a GOP delegate for John McCain, because the Arizona Senator and American Hero represents the only clear choice for President.

Thomas Hayes is a Leo High School Alumnus, Chicago Police Department candidate, college graduate and Professional Boxer. For Thomas Hayes, whose younger brother is a with the U.S. Army in Iraq, John McCain is only candidate of any party with the capability of leading American forces in time of War on Islamist Terror.

Thomas Hayes will be going to the GOP Convention and supporting John McCain in the election in November. John McCain represents real change for a fighter who knows what life is all about for a black young man in America.

Thomas Hayes will be fighting in New York in June - catch Thomas Hayes on Comcast Sports!

ILLINOIS DELEGATES for McCain ( partial)

. . .
Joyce Gooding
Thomas Gooding
William S. Graham
Kent Gray
Mike Hagerty
Donald B. Hall
J. Sue Hamilton
John Harty
Thomas Hayes
Sean Healy
William L. Henniger
Herbert Hentschel
Roy Hertel
Nora Kathleen Hickey
. . .

Here is an interesting Christopher Hitchens piece on the current campaign:

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