Saturday, April 26, 2008

John McCain: Well Hush My Beak- Blogger of the Week?

I am delighted with this Honor!

The Good Folks at McCain Victory, spearheaded by my pal Brad Marston, have honored this site with the McCain Victory Blogger of the Week.

It is an honor to work with talented and patriotic women and men helping John McCain get his message of Hope, Self-Reliance, Dignity, Charity and Service to all Americans.

To Miss Vickie ( The Fairest Flower of Alabama), The Mad Irishman, Tony GOPrano, Brad Marston, and Michael Schuyler - Ain't this been Fun?

Brad, thank you for the kind words linked on My Post Title


  1. Congrats Pat! Richly deserved!

  2. Pat,
    Congratulations. You are now a member of the VERY exclusive club of McCain Victory Blog of the Week.

    A finer, smarter, and dare I say better-looking group of Americans you'll never meet. ;-)

    I'll send some of my compatriots from to check out your posts as well.

  3. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Congratulations on this distinct honor. Love the site. Keep up the great work. I'll be back often.
