Thursday, April 17, 2008

John McCain: Sen. Obama Hits the Canvas: Ayers Like Coburn?

Words Matter and so do the things that we do. In last night's debate, Senator, you said that Senator Tom Coburn was like a domestic terrorist and punk.

Senator Barack Obama - On the Left -The aging Cub fan, with happening ear jewelry, is domestic terrorist Bill Ayers; the punk in the mug-shot knowing Daddy has the bail, juice and lawyers to get him off is a domestic terrorist bomber Billy Ayers; the Doctor holding the Baby is Senator Tom Coburn.

Hillary didn’t let him off the hook, either, not when it came to Crackerquiddick or on the Wright Stuff. Noting that “you choose your pastor, not your family,” Hillary once again pounded Obama for not doing anything about Wright when he had the chance. She also jumped at the chance to note that former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers was more than just a “neighbor”, as Obama described him. Hillary pointed out that Obama and Ayers worked on a foundation together for years, even after 9/11, even after Ayers said publicly that he didn’t regret his terrorism.
And what was Obama’s response? He compared Ayers to Senator Tom Coburn, who opposes abortion. Of course, Coburn hasn’t bombed abortion clinics, but Obama can’t tell the difference between a Senator and a terrorist. That won’t help him in Middle America either, and Coburn may have a few words for Obama after this night.
Hot Air 04/17/2008

You may say. Senator Obama could have peeled this spud a year ago, when Chicagoans like John Rubery, Anne Leary, John Powers, Tom Roeser, State Rep. Jim Durkin and about 88.6% of the Police, Fire, F.B.I., A.T.F, Cook County States Attorney Officers and Agents who live in my part of town were all talking about Billy Ayers and Obama. Jesus, I live near the former Cook County Sheriff, many of his officers, most of the Area 2 Violent Crimes Detectives, and waves of retired law enforcement professionals. These folks remember the number of fouls Evergreen Park Mayor Jimmy Sexton took from 1966-1970 while he shot the nets off of baskets at Little Flower Community Center. Don't you think that these women and men would remember a punk who bombed public buildings and had his old man 'reach out' - it's that old politics, Senator - to get the mixed up kid out of the jackpot?

Senator Obama, Billy Ayers is nothing like Senator Tom Coburn. He's not even like Stewart Levine or Tony Rezko. Bill Ayers is not even like his Old Lady - she did some time anyway. As far as similes go - I'd say that your campaign is about as done as Grandma Donahue's Pork roast - when it's smoking it's cooking; when it's burning it's done!

Here's what Tom Coburn is like - pretty good guy - which Bill Ayers is no where near.

UPDATE - Apologises to Cub Fans - Billy Ayers is Sporting a CUBA team jersey!


  1. I'd trade Obama for Coburn anytime.

  2. You seem to imply there is something wrong if a babykilling abortion mill is burned or bomb. What do you prefer, dead babies or a pile of bricks? Innocent unborn babies deserve to be protected just as born children deserve to be protected. You would have no problem protecting born children if they were about to be murdered.

    SAY THIS PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and am headed to eternal hell because of my sins. I believe you died on the cross to take away my sins and to take me to heaven. Jesus, I ask you now to come into my heart and take away my sins and give me eternal life.

  3. Hey, Father Don,

    Jesus is waaaaaayyyy ahead of you on this sinner!

    He's probably doing my Eternal Damnation menu as we speak -

    'Let's see. - Hickey - bad guy. Smart ass. Touchy. Easily bruised ego and feelings here you go:

    1. Non Stop Harry Chapin/Mary Chapin Carpenter Songs

    2. Overdubbing of Studs Terkle monologues about how he discovered Bessie Smith and houndstooth shirts.

    3. Here's your bunkey = Shake hands with Father Don. He's doing Evangelizing down there for my old pal Lucifer. You two will love him - after your lifetime Non Serviam Batting Averages.

    Here - I'm locking up now. You two behave.
