Thursday, April 17, 2008

John McCain" Que Keyser! Obama/Ayers and Hugo! Caracas Chronicles Billy Obama Bacon!

Well I'll be dipped and rolled! That Woods Fund Velcro snags Senator Obama and Board Bomber Billy Ayers to El Jefe Hugo!

The Caracas Chronicles links and networks the Chicago politician and Presidential aspirant's ties from Bill Ayers to . . .thusly:

Barack Obama ... sat on the board of the non-profit Woods Fund of Chicago with '60s radical and University of Illinois professor Bill Ayers, a friend of the Bolivarian Revolution and father of...

Chesa Boudin, a Rhodes scholar, one of the founders of chavista think-tank and PSF echo chamber Centro Internacional Miranda, who has an office in Miraflores Palace and is a key advisor of...

Hugo Chávez, autocrat extraordinaire.

In fact, if Ayers himself has a personal relationship with Hugo Chávez, then that's one degree of separation.

Kevin Bacon, my Auntie Deluvian! Click my post title to the Caracas Chronicles Follow the links provided to the page with the Cenrto Internacional Miranda Directoria:
Luis Bonilla Molina
Haiman El Troudi
Maximilien Sánchez A.
Gilberto Giménez
Héctor Navarro
Pedro González
Edgardo Lander
Marta Harnecker
Michael Lebowitz
Juan Carlos Monedero
Victor Ríos
Algunos Cooperantes Internacionales
Bill Ayers
Peter Mclaren
Theotonio dos Santos
Nathalia Jaramillo
Eva Golinger
Jorge Gantiva
Ezequiel Ander Egg
Paulo Padilha
Chesa Boudin
Al Campbell

Hat Tip to IBD Editorials

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