Monday, April 14, 2008

John McCain: Not the Laser Guided RezkObama Bomb? Bowling for Common Change.

While Hillary worked off a couple of bumps and beers with the great folks at Bronko's in Crown Point, Indiana - home to generous and sweet-natured folks who work hard and give back to their community ( I lived in Griffith ,Indiana where many of Bronko's patrons live) and Barack Obama diagrammed the sentences that he used at the cake-eater fund-raiser in San Francisco where the Junior Senator from Illinois derailed his Campaign, John McCain spoke with the Press.

In his prepared remarks at the group's annual meeting in Washington, D.C., McCain said he has had a hard time deciding whether to support a "shield law" that would protect reporters from having to reveal confidential sources in court.

The power to use unnamed sources "is a license to do harm," McCain said, citing the New York Times' decision in 2005 to publish news of a government surveillance program. He also said it can also have positive outcomes, citing the reporting on the abuse at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

"It's also a license to do good; to disclose injustice and unlawfulness and inequities; and to encourage their swift correction," McCain said.

He also challenged newspapers to be more open about why they publish sensitive matters.

"And I would hope that when you do something controversial or something that many people find wrong and harmful you would explain fully and honestly how and why you did it, and confess your mistakes, if you made them, in a more noticeable way than afforded by the small print on a corrections page," he said.

Later in the day, Chicago Tribune's Rezko Reporter dropped another - oh, what would Jay Rockefeller call them? - laser guided rocket on the improperly vetted Candidate of Change. First the Rubes get him and now the Influence Peddlers:

Stuart Levine, the prosecution's star witness, said he and Obama were at a party Rezko threw at his Wilmette mansion on April 3, 2004, for Nadhmi Auchi, a controversial Iraqi-born billionaire who Rezko was trying to get to invest in a South Loop real-estate development.

Auchi, now a citizen of the United Kingdom, has faced criminal charges in Europe. He also figured in the revocation of Rezko's bond early this year after attempting to wire him more than $3 million. Upon learning of that attempt, U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve declared Rezko a flight risk and ordered him held in a federal jail in the Loop.

The Rezko party in 2004 was designed to induce Auchi to pour money into the South Loop investment. Obama's presence at the party was not previously known. At the time, Obama was fresh off a surprise win in the Illinois Democratic primary for U.S. Senate and was riding a crest of national publicity.

(emphasis my own)

Yikes! Now, that will make a guy bitter - chickens coming home to roost like that and all.

Hey, there's bowling or bumps and beers at Bronko's. Can't hurt.

1244 N Main St
Crown Point, IN 46307
Phone: (219) 662-0145

Click my post title for the RezkOBomb


  1. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Stuart Levine is a drug addicted bisexual liar and criminal.

    By the time Duffy is done with him, even if his client goes down--Fast Eddie Vrdolyak will beat the case and ride off into the sunset like the Croatian Stallion he is.

    Levine is scum

    Edward Robert Vrdolyak will go free.

  2. I believe that you are right and I also hope that to be the case.

    Ed Vrdolyak passed more brains than the collective wisdom of the US Supreme Court with one trip to the gents - no the worst day of his life, a hangover, and the flu.

  3. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Edward Vrdolyak is a colorful and likeable rogue. He is certainly a character and deserves a place in Chicago history.

    But he is also corrupt and did many bad things.

    I don't know the current Federal case against him, and Stewart Levine is not a strong witness but I heard they have hours of thousands of hours of recorded telephone and in person conversations. It is regarding some real estate deal.

    If they do get him on this one, he missed a thousand others they did not get him on.

    If the Feds don't get him, he will really be a legend--but it won't because he was innocent or a saint.

    Vrdolyak is certainly intelligent but good government't he aint.
