Wednesday, April 23, 2008

John McCain: It Sure Looks Like There's A Lot of Sunshine on Obama's Underground Man

Chicago's best writer newspaper columnist since Finley Peter Dunne, Chicago Tribune's John Kass blows more sunshine on Senator Barack Obama's ties to domestic terrorist Billy Ayers. More importantly, Kass floods Billy Ayer's bolt-hole from Underground Man to Distinguished Professor at University of Illinois -Chicago Campus by asking the tweedy partisans just how an unrepentant bomber of America got a job in the first place.

A few years later, Ayers got his job as a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. And Dohrn was employed at the Children and Family Justice Center affiliated with Northwestern University's School of Law.

I've always been fascinated as to how the radical underground stop running and get jobs in academia. Is there a Terrorist Patronage Office for Rich White People? And how did a convicted Dohrn get hired to teach at a law school?

"I am afraid I don't know an answer to that," NU spokesman Alan Cubbage said. "The person who was the dean at the time is no longer with the law school. And the person who was the president at the time is no longer the president. So I just don't know."

Cubbage did not mention that Ayers' late father—Commonwealth Edison boss Thomas Ayers—was an NU trustee and former board chairman. UIC spokesman Mark Rosati couldn't help either, but suggested I file a Freedom of Information Act request to find out how terrorists get hired by taxpayers.

"It's nothing personal," Rosati said.

How amusing. They don't want to explain how terrorists were hired, so they know nothing.

It might work now, but it won't work in the fall, when Broadway Baby opens for a run, in a campaign commercial near you.

Nothing personal. Mark, I take the weather personally. I have a warm and fuzzy feeling that John Kass just loves a snotty crack from an Ivory Tower aparatchik. Expect a journalistic tune-up shorty. Nothing personal - business - the Nation's business.

Click my post title for more from the great John Kass.

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