Thursday, April 24, 2008

Chicago Tribune Insulates Bomber Ayers

What a contemptible piece of hack work.

Today's piece on Bill Ayers, a domestic terrorist is absolutely the most gutless of mewings and as thin as the moral tissue of the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board that no doubt issued the order to the writer and perfumed the adjectives and nouns according to the influence Ayers and his extended wealth bears on Tribune Editorial Thought.

Bill Ayers, a former radical leader turned academic and school reformer, has never been hesitant to speak his mind.

Although there has been no public response from him since his ties to Barack Obama — the two neighbors served on a charity board together for three years — were brought up during last week's Democratic debate, Ayers said Wednesday that he has a good reason for his silence.

Former Radical Leader - 100% False use of nouns and adjectives. What vomit!

Chicago Medill Media Mousepieces - linked to Ayers wealth at Northwestern and University of Illinois - have insulated these enemies of America and propped up their places as citizens of Chicago.

Readers deserve respect. The Chicago Sun Times is reaping the reward for its Editorial idiocies over the last few years and The Chicago Tribune now stands at the edge as well.

Stay friends with Ayers and Dohrn. Their wealth and influence is more important than truthful reporting.

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