Friday, March 28, 2008

Marathon Pundit -John Rubery Fools Hickey Again! Where's My Free Mumia?

I stood in line for hours -hours mind you, Rubery, and I never got my FREE MUMIA!

Without doubt one of the most thoughtful and energetic Websites - Marathon Pundit continues to knock the crap out of Chicago journalism ( no mean task that) by keeping the light of fact and truth shining on dangerous radicals infecting academia ( Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn - of UICC and Northwestern Law though convicted domestic terrorists), religion ( the garlic and challah hating Pastor Jeremiah Wright) and politics ( politicians of both Republican and Democratic Parties who commerce with such dangerous folks) - especially, the not-ready-for - the Presidency Senator Barack Obama.

John Rubery does great service to Chicago, Illinois and America!

Click my post title and get your FREE MUMIA - It don't cost nothing.

1 comment:

  1. "Mumia" is the coffee of the day at the Morton Grove Starbucks.
