Sunday, March 30, 2008

John McCain: That's the Ticket -Jack and Charlie, or Jack and Bob?

Picking a VP for the winning ticket in 2008 will be troublingly nice work for John McCain over the next few months.

With several solid choices in his quiver, Senator McCain will choose an able and loyal # 2 Executive to help him lead America during this time of War on Islamist Terror. Solid legislative leaders and thoughtful statesmen who have worked with the honor and integrity of John McCain are coming into the mix.

I like Charlie Crist, Governor of Florida, who was off the dime in John McCain's Camp long before the snarlers of the extreme Right could ever be brought to service. I value loyalty and commitment and Charlie Crist has the Facta where others shout out the Verba.

Chicago Sun Times veteran correspondent and one of the best political journalists in America, Bob Novak, like Bob Portman of Ohio.

Click my post title for Bob Novak's prescience and declarative sentences. The world needs more writers like Novak who delivers crisp and clear information in simple declarative sentences. The DNC enjoys the purple prose of goofs who do a Thomas V. Pynchon routine with every post.

Here's some good prose from Novak:

While Sen. John McCain will not decide on a vice president for many months, Rob Portman gets the highest marks inside the Republican presidential candidate's organization.

Portman's background is legislative, serving in the House Republican leadership as a representative from Ohio; executive and economic, serving in George W. Bush's Cabinet as director of the Office of Management and Budget, and diplomatic, serving as U.S. trade representative. He comes from Ohio, a swing state, is young enough at 52 to contrast McCain, and conservative enough, earning an 89 percent lifetime American Conservative Union rating.


  1. It's Huckabee or die for the Republican Party! Conservatives have decided that Huckabee is our guy and we are going to support him whether he is on McCain's ticket or not. So, if McCain seriously wants to win, he will pick the only real choice and that choice is MIKE HUCKABEE!!!!

  2. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I'm not a big fan of Crist but think Portman, Cox, and Pawlentry are good picks.

    Huckabee? LOL. Do Huckabee supporters have no sense of political reality? Yea, McCain really needs help to try and shore up the vote in Georgia! Look, even in his neighboring southern states, 2/3rds of Republicans voted against the southern governor and Huckabee couldn't even compete in Florida! Like it or not, McCain is not going to select the only candidate with higher negatives among conservatives than even McCain himself! Huckabee did no better even in the other southern states than approximately split the vote with McCain and Romney. And, Huckabee is pretty much a joke outside of the south.

  3. I believe that it might be Portman, given the importance of Ohio and all; I am just an Old School Democrat and Charlie Crist stuck his neck out when too many stayed girlishly shy.

    I believe in Dance with Who Brung You - but that's just me.

  4. Governor Crist is a viable candidate for Senator McCain's vice presidential running-mate. He has been a steadfast supporter of John McCain, and is an appealing character. I had never heard of Mr. Portman till some insignificant talk-show host said the name on Friday. If the senator picks someone who is relatively unknown--and a few more such names have been bandied about--let it be someone attractive, capable and with a winning personality. My top pick in an ideal world is Secretary Condoleezza Rice. Charlie Crist would be a very wise choice.
