Thursday, March 06, 2008

John McCain: Steve Chapman The Parasol Woman Views the Prizefight: Passive Voice & BS

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda, say the military fruit-salads in Obama's camp in the latest - redacting the piece is Chicago Tribune's Steve Chapman.

The piece is a re-hash of the 'McCain's Rage' straw-dog. Mean People Suck - is a Deadhead bumper sticker. This piece of second guessing on McCain's leadership in support of the Iraq surge has all the snappy zest, spice and Howard Dean Yeeeowwweee as a mouthful of Hellman's Mayo.

John McCain was in the lead on the need for more troops in Iraq. Like most newspaper readers, I remember that. Ink-slingers think all readers are morons. That is why newspapers are cork-screwing into the ground.

Now,get this snotty clip at John McCain from the parasol twirling Steve Chapman watching the bare-knuckle prize fight from afar:

It's true that eventually, McCain did call for more troops, and eventually, President Bush agreed. Last January, he announced that he was boosting forces to quell violence — while telling the Iraqi government to move promptly toward internal reconciliation and power-sharing. All this would produce a stable, democratic Iraq and "hasten the day our troops begin coming home."
(Empahsis my own)

No, Steve. McCain called for troops. You are slinging more crap than Jack Binyon's Horseshoe. Twirl that Parasol!

As an old English teacher, I tried to get my students to avoid Passive Voice - use active voice kids; people will trust you. Passive voice registers equivocation - bullshit, in south side declarative sentence. Steve lards up on the Passive Voice - the metaphorical parasol shading a milky complexion on a too, too sunny day.

'Lord, the sight those Myrmidons ( people actually involved in . . .something), stripped to the waist, and slugging it out in such a brutish manner, positively gives me the vapors! I swear.'

Miss Scarlet Steve Chapman merely is doing what a thirteen year old boy does when confronted with laziness and sloth - 'I am doing it, Dad!' Uh huh. Got nothin? Passive Voice it! 'I am Trying!; I'm doing more than I can!; I am thinking about it! It was doing me have to death. The Bank account was over drawn by me.'

John McCain is right on The Surge. Just today, I heard WGN radio, a report that troops in Afghanistan were suffering from greater bouts of depression, while troops in Iraq were reporting boosts in morale.

Steve you still have some on your shoes, there son.

Click my post title and read what Steve Chapman is slinging.


  1. Interesting article Uncle Pat. Has McCain advocated any kind of surge in Afghanistan? Also, what's your take on George W.?

  2. George W? Reminds me of myself. Would you want your Uncle Pat in control of this Country Bart? Jesus, I'd loot it six ways to Sunday.

    McCain is smart enough and historian enough to isloate Afghanistan and not commit ground troops where every power in history got ground into hamburger; look what the Russian Surge did for them.

    Chapman is shilling and writing badly at that - beat McCain, but beat him smartly and gracefully.

    I am proud of you and Liam and the work you are doing for Barack Obama. He'll make a great Illinois Governor!
