Wednesday, March 05, 2008

John McCain: JohnMcCain Runs the Table Wins -MSNBC Tool Shed Runs Its Mouth and Loses -Again

Oafish Olbermann of MSNBC asked for a stand-in - another Juice Bag!

John McCain again ran the table!

John McCain, whose civil and forthright campaign for the Presidency set the bar for the November contest with the Democratic Nominee, was eloquent, uplifting and commanding.

MSNBC - was loud, obnoxious repulsive. Norah O'Donnell and Chuck Todd should replace the opinionated and self-puffing Olbermann and Matthews. They could set the the tone for an intelligent and welcoming political format.

The New York Times is even irritated:

'on MSNBC, Chuck Todd, NBC’s political director, provided welcome restraint to the bubbly loquacity of Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews . . .'

Olbermann is a Juice Bag - empty calories. to HBO where the unxious lout can be Bill Maher's Ed McMahon - insulting guests with his bloated self-importance, overplaying his overtures to; being himself.

1 comment:

  1. BTW I love the article as always Mistah Pat you have outdone yourself which is your only competition, because no one else is in your league.

    Don't you know that the blowhards are crying whining and complaining on how something wasn't fair or how there was a glitch or some other excuse to cover up their biased bull and to avoid admitting that Mac won and they are such losers. You know that they do not deserve space on this page or any other page because it is a waste of valuable space that someone who counts could be using.
