Wednesday, March 12, 2008

John McCain: Daily Kos - Why John McCain Will be President

One of the reasons Regular Democrats like me will be voting for John McCain has to do with unbelievable and shameful state of the national Democratic Party. One would think that every Democrat was a loudmouthed smarmy jerk like Bill Maher, or Keith Olbermann.

Not so. Even a solid Democrat like Geraldine Ferraro could be targeted by the morons who post on Daily Kos the Goebbels of and funded by the Magyar Millionaire Stalin George Soros.

Get this -
Ferraro: Give it to the Woman, Not to the Black Guy by DHinMI
Wed Mar 12, 2008 at 07:16:23 AM PDT
The latest in the disgusting story of longtime racist Geraldine Ferraro:

"Sexism is a bigger problem," Ferraro argued. "It's OK to be sexist in some people's minds. It's not OK to be racist."

Hey, former Congresswoman Ferraro, I've got a message for you from the 21st Century: it's not OK to be sexist OR racist. It's not OK to create a hierarchy of persecution and apply it to Democratic politics. It's not OK to imply, as you've seemed to be implying in recent days, that because women supposedly have it harder, that Hillary Clinton should get an easier path or that it's OK to denigrate Barack Obama's achievements by characterizing them as arising from advantages supposedly afforded to African-Americans.

Here's where the goof really lets fly -

Ferraro is playing a feminist George Wallace. Wallace appealed to insecure whites who felt that their struggles and hard work entitled them to live in all white neighborhoods, and elitist judges shouldn't be able to force them to accept black neighbors and integrated schools. Ferraro is trying to appeal to insecure white women who believe they've put in their time and now they're entitled to get their woman president, and nobody should be allowed to take away their presidency and give it to the Black guy who hasn't earned it.

Well heck; take Gerry out back and shoot her Comrade! That's Change for you!

What a clown Opera! Geraldine Ferraro, welcome. You have served your country honorably and this how our Party treats you. Hillary is hitting the silk on you and Obama is sending out his goof ghilies like oxygen deprived clown linked above.

Click my post title for Daily Kos's undignified and stupid smear ofGeraldine Ferraro.

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