Sunday, March 30, 2008

John McCain: Air America's Mark Green - What Being an A$$hole is All About

Mark Green's Bio:

Mark graduated with honors from both Cornell University School of Arts & Sciences (1967) and then Harvard Law School (1970), where he was editor-in-chief of the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review.

Becoming a member of the Washington, D.C. Bar (and later the New York State Bar), he spent 10 years in the 1970s working with Ralph Nader, ultimately running Public Citizen's Congress Watch, the largest consumer lobbying group in D.C. In 1982, The Nation magazine said, "Next to Nader himself, Mark is the leading public interest lawyer of his generation." . . . yada, Yada . . . ( Yada Yaddas my own)

On March 1, 2007, he became the president of Air America Radio.

Next to Ralph Nader?? Most folks want to miles from Ralph Nader. This clown is a creme puffe!

I see his Tanned Own Bad Self on Cable - with way too much frequency. He must have sued more orphans and old ladies in New York than Leona Helmsly and has the cash cow to allow Mark Green ( he's got that 'Papal Me' third person about him that is the hallmark of all truly and highly competitive anal apertures) entree to the circles of jerks within the Democratic National Committee.

In fact Mark Green is an anal aperture of such diameter that he now columnizes on Huffington Post the Cry Sheet for Hollywood Morons and Progressive Goebbels.

Here's the Tan Green's thesis on John McCain:

Now that John McCain last week elaborated his economic and foreign policy views in major addresses, the weakness of his candidacy is clear: it's not that he'll be 72 if inaugurated but has a 72 year-old agenda. If you like gunboat diplomacy and pre-Depression laissez-faire economics, McCain is your bridge to the 19th Century.

While the spotlight currently focuses on clashing Democrats, the mainstream media has lazily bought into the narrative that McCain is a straight-talking maverick, just as so many concurred that W was a compassionate uniter in 2000. But when it comes to war, economics and ethics -- as our 7 Days program discusses -- the Republican nominee is now no straight-talker and no maverick.

This from an Ambulance Chaser! Here's more Yada Yadda . . .

McCain's maniacal repetition of buzz phrases -- "the surge is working! we are winning! surrender is betrayal! -- expose him as a militarist itching for more war-war, not more jaw-jaw, in Churchill's phrase. Yes, he served honorably and heroically in Vietnam and has experience after decades in the Congress. But based on his catastrophic misjudgments in the Middle East and his unwillingness to learn much of anything from America's failures in Vietnam and Iraq, he's flunked the so-called Commander-in-Chief test. By urging more troops and more years, he's out-Bushing Bush. Some maverick.

A Jack and Queen, Mark, that is some Maverick! McCain's maniacal repetition of buzz phrases - expose him as a militarist????

Let's see. 'Fired up, ready to Go! Ready to Go! Yes we Can!' Yes We Can! Warmonger Barry!

Then the Shyster tries to dodge the punch that he himself is tossing:
McCain's Ethics:

But that 20-year-old episode alone should not be enough to tarnish him now. His work since then on McCain-Feingold and against Jack Abramoff deserves praise. But there are other current examples of helping those who help him in give-to-get politics, as when the FCC chair reprimanded him for interfering in a proceeding on behalf of a big donor and patron. Shades of 5 percenters in the Truman years.

'Zounds! Shocking! A Reprimand? Howls of Scorn! Arianna Huffiapoulus put Master Thespian Steven Weber ( Star of what?///) on this! - BTW - Huff Po is a veritable Who's Snooze of Hollywood - kind of talent Petrified Forest Gumps.

Mark's Seven Day campaign against John McCain! Seven more days of this? Oh, How will John McCain stand up to such treatment??? Merciful Marigolds, Margaret!

For more Tan Green giggles - Pipe the U-tube piece of Mark Green begging for votes from savvy New Yorkers during one of his many defeats - click my post title for a full view of this Yutz! Next to Nader? Why Mark Green - You Stand Alone!! Que Queso, Hombre!

Mark keep tossing the Beachballs!!! Air America - It Fills the Balloons!

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