Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Brits Bash Barack's Babcia Bus Bounce!

Let the Heel-ing Begin! Rev. Al swings by to compliment Barack for his deft toss of Granny Dunham - The white Nana, Babcia, Busha, Blue-Hair, & etc. - under the metaphorical bus! We're rolling now!

The British Press thinks little of Obama's toss. Click my post title for The Spectator piece.

Hat Tip to Redbeard of Ankle Biting Pundits

1 comment:

  1. Well Mistah Pat I am glad that I ain't the only one who can see through the Obama Babble for lack of a better word since you keep this site "fairly" clean. I stole the Brit article for my site though but I gave you credit my good man. You haven't sent me any links in the past few days I was beginning to worry about you.
