Monday, March 10, 2008

Al Sharpton's Popping For Florida Vote Expenses?

Crown Heights Al Sharpton, who came to Chicago, left Chicago, and that mattered how? - and still gets mug time on Fox goofball Bill O'Reilly whenever a bird flies over Al's Bentley, is warning up a plenty!

The Activist Race -baiter who told Jews to pin back their Yarmulkes and get ready to 'get it on,' told Bill-O that there will consequences and repercussions if something is not done about Florida! It was, as per usual with Crown Heights Al, unclear exactly what would come round the corner, if his latest demands, about what I have no idea, are not met! Al seems ready to Jew hunting Florida - he likes that demographic, probably more Jews than Crown Heights! They've been hogging the Holocaust! Al's got to turn up the heat!

“If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house." Rev. Al -

From Rich Lowery:
Those were the immortal words of the Rev. Al Sharpton during the Crown Heights crisis in New York City in 1991. A car driven by a Hasidic Jew had run over a black child in the Brooklyn neighborhood, prompting black-Jewish tensions that eventually spilled over into antisemitic riots. Sharpton's contribution to civic peace was statements like the above, together with such classic anti-Jewish smears as: "Talk about how Oppenheimer in South Africa sends diamonds straight to Tel Aviv and deals with the diamond merchants right here in Crown Heights."

Oh, yeah - this clown needs to be heard! Bill-O more face time!

This from the New York Sun on Bill-O's Comfy Chair for Crown Heights Al:

'. . .If Mr. Obama is denied the nomination because of "back-room deals" made by superdelegates, he said, "you not only would see people like me demonstrating, you may see us talking about whether or not we can support that ticket."

I thought that Barack Obama would be dignified by the honorific SENATOR? Senator Obama, Al; give man his due! Shoot.

'Pin back them Yarmulkes!' Tell Howard Dean that Crown Heights Al and his NAN Network will spring for the votes! Al's ready to pull change out of his deep pockets - He's the Agent of Change . . .and folding money!

Way to go Bill-O.

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